Morning! I'm watching my church's service online; can't go out today. :/ but nevermind, i still get to see what's happening through the net. haha today's the last sermon on the Making Marriage Work series. i think its gonna be awesome, seeing couples renewing their vows and falling for their husband/wife all over again! :D God bless you guys! oh ya.. thanks passerby for your tag! anws, things are turning for the better, it's no longer as bad as the past few days!
Praise the Lord! :D
1:11 AM ♥
hate things the way they are now. totally hate it luhs! i don't know what to do and say le.. i'm worn out; seeing all these things happening right before my eyes and i can do nothing much. it's disappointing witnessing all these and it's heartbreaking too. :/ Father, i pray that things will work out and our misery will end asap...
11:28 AM ♥
no school today; cause of some polling-in-lieu thing! YAY! (: I'm going to YingHui's house later to carry on with our sewing.YingHui and I bought a pair of white shoes each, some sequences &beads yesterday. cause we want to design our own shoes! (: so we'll be continuing with our work later on.. I can't wait till I finish everything and wear it out luhs! lol and I've been going to Sakae to eat for 2 days. on Sunday &yesterday.. goodness me, eat so much luhs! haha and when we walked around Compass Point yesterday, I've got some things added to my i-want list: 1.
a new Bible ($30) 2.
The Lost Gospel of Judas ($32++). I want them!!! lols
take good care of yourself kay.. and work hard for your papers too! <33s
1:55 AM ♥
Clothe me in Your Presence Lord
Draw me near to You
All my heart I long to give to You
Living to be near You Lord
I long to see Your face
Lord forever You're my secret place
I don't want us to turn out this way. it really breaks not only mine but all of our hearts. I don't want to see ourselves drifting away. can you at least tell us what's happening and explain to us why are things turning out this way? all along i thought that we're the ones who wouldn't be seperated. but, now i'm starting to doubt about this.. are we really going to drift away from each other..? i don't want this to happen, i really don't want! i hope that we're able to sort things out asap and let this matter come to an end. i can't bear to see us treating ourselves in this way.. it really breaks my heart. :/
1:49 AM ♥
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare,
The shadow in the background of the morgue,
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if you want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends
I Miss You by Blink 182
I've been so busy for the past 3 days luhs. Everyday was all about studying, revise, tests and homework.. Finally, I'm able to rest for today! haha but still.. I'll need to finish up my A Maths homework by tmr morning; Kumar wants to collect tmr. :/ oh ya! our end-of-year exams will be starting on the 5th of Oct luhs! So fast lors.. and I'm trying to study and revise as much as I can.
I don't want to fail my English again! I want to move on to Sec 4! I'm so so so afraid that I'll fail luhs. :/ and some of my sciences are not that strong too.. I hope that I'll be able to get all these things right before the exams. (:
11:40 AM ♥
to YingHui:
you know we'll always be there for you, no matter what.
12:59 AM ♥
Ten years ago, it was 1996.Take this survey, and see how many things have changed since then.
1) How old were you?
THEN: 4-5
NOW: 14-15
2) Where did you go to school?
THEN: some kindergarden at Hougang St. 21
NOW: Bowen Sec
3) Where did you work?
NOW: no where.
4) Where did you live?
THEN: Hougang Ave 8
NOW: Hougang Ave 8; no difference. haha
5) How was your hairstyle?
THEN: lol kuku. but cute luhs
NOW: uhm..
6) Did you wear braces?
NOW: No, but I'll be getting mine at the end of next year! (:
7) Did you wear contacts?
NOW: Yup; no longer have my perfect eyesight liaos :/
8) Did you wear glasses?
NOW: No, casue I accidentally break my specs and I'm wearing contacts mah. haha
9) Who was your best friend?
THEN: Florella; neighbour mah. haha
NOW: Adrina &YingHui! :DD
10) Which of your pets were still alive?
NOW: mummy don't allow. :/
11) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
THEN: nil
NOW: uhm..
12) Who was your celebrity crush?
THEN: i can't remember
NOW: nil
13) Who was your regular-person crush?
THEN: i have no idea what a regular-person crush is.
NOW: -
14) How many piercings did you have?
THEN: two
NOW: six
15) How many tattoos did you have?
NOW: -
16) What was your favourite band/singer?
THEN: Britney Spears
NOW: no favourite
17) Had you smoked a cigarette?
NOW: thought of it but no. lol
18) Had you gotten drunk?
19) Had you DRIVEN YET?
20) If so which car?
NOW: -
21) Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2006?
No, never. LOL
adopted from YingHui and..
some of my answers are kindda similar to hers LOL (:
10:05 AM ♥
I never doubted you at all
The stars collide, while you stand by and watch them fall?
So hold me 'til the sky is clear
And whisper words of love right into my ear
- I Got You by McFly
hmms~ Went for Bible Study today, we had our quiz too! and I learnt quite alot during Bible Study today. It was so cool luhs.. God is good! :D haha Adrina and I went to Candy Empire after BS; she got some pick-and-mix chocolate while I just bought a Nestle Peppermint Crisp (for YingHui). Didn't really go for shopping and stuff, cause I don't want to reach home late and hear complains from Mummy. LOL oh ya! we went to Sentosa yesterday! and I grew tanner! YAY! I was quite red yesterday but no longer already. and my shoulders' tan are still aching; can't carry bag properly. :/ but it was all is worthwhile, I enjoyed myself in the sun and play around with the rest. (:
to YingHui:
cheer up sayang! everthing's going to turn out fine! for God is with you and He always will. so don't be so troubled over what has happened and SMILE! just remember that we'll always be there for you! :DD Love ya lots!
9:38 AM ♥
color: red and yellow
songs: Over The Head(Cable Car) by The Fray
movie: i cannot rate movies.
sport: it goes with my mood..
day of the week: Saturday; cause can go church! :DD
season: no idea..
ice-cream: anything will do(:
mood: nothing
special.taste: duck meat LOL
clothes: shorts and tee
desktop: plain white
time: 1.34pm
surroundings: a box, table, chairs..
annoyance: nothing.
best friend: Samantha.
crush: Stanley?
movie: Lord of the Rings.
music: forgotten..
dated one of your best friends: nopes
arrested: i don't think so..
skinny-dipped: nooo
hahasbeen on tv: yup(:
kissed someone you don't know: nopes
4 things you did today:
i drank water.
i called Adrina.
i smsed YingHui.
i listened to tokyo drift by the teriyaki boyz
sounds you can hear right now: song by Wilber Pan
Chosen Five to do this!:
1) Chels
2) Adrina
3) Haniza
4) Hidayah
5) HuiFang
4:40 AM ♥
haven't been posting for like one week..
things are going on very normally everyday..
except that now we're having our September holidays!
and my over-all results for Term 3 is.. BLAH!
I failed my English;
and I got 2 distinctions.
and I'm having my usher training in church for 2 weeks..
one more week to go before I'm officially an usher in church!
I'm going for my Geograpgy field trip tmr;
we'll have to report at 6.30am in school,
and was told that we'll reach school at about 9pm.
it'll be a tiring day tmr.
that's about it luhs..
4:00 AM ♥