today's cellgroup was really good. even though it's just a very normal cellgroup meeting - praise, worship, testimony.... but the sermon was good! it was so impactful luh! it's been quite a long time since i'm really impacted by cellgroup sermons (lol i repent) I've been so motivated to pray, read the bible and fast more!! (: ah.. I want to renew my love for Him and I know that things will turn for the better and my life will never be the same. I"ll re-gain my passion for Him once again!! Hallelujah (:
anyway, I scored an A1 for my recent Mid-year paper, which is (I think) for prelims as well. I'm so 'over the moon' luh haha Thank God for that (:
I was watching a TV serial the other day and I came across this hairstyle! I like it luh!! haha and I want this.. but I doubt it'll look good on me
one last thing.. if you guys see this, pray for my back ya? thanks (:
2:51 PM ♥