woots! today's ushering was
AWESOME man! it's my first time serving as stage usher! so basically my job is to wash tumblers, fill it up with water, dry it and place them under the pastors' chairs! but more than that!!! i get to wipe the pulpit and wash Pst Kong's glass and fill it up with water for him! so honored serving him! and i was like sitting at the first second row throughout the service, looking at pastor, feeling a sense of accomplishment man; super duper ultra happy! LOL! actually i'm suppose to go up to collect offering envelope from Pastor during offering but i was wearing skirt today, so i couldn't, BLAH! haha
anws, today's sermon was on servanthood! it's goody good good man! i'm like reading this book about servanthood the other day and the book used the exact same illustration of Rebekah fetching water for Eliezer and his camels. but today's illustration was so real! oh God! it really showed me how much servanthood Rebekah has! now, i'm so inspired to be a servant to all, just like Rebekah, even to strangers! :D :D
4:54 PM ♥