i had a consultation with the dentist just now, regarding my troublesome case. and so, the dentist recommended bracing which would cost about $4000+++ [not sure how many plus-es] even though it's the market price, but it's rather expensive for me, considering that i might be going to America this September.
and the worse thing is that I'm suppose to make a decision between bracing or the America trip >:/ i want both! BADLY! how i wish i'll have the finance to support these two.
what now? i think i'd most probably be giving up my America trip and do my bracing..
it's alright Celes, you'll get better opportunities in future, yes God? (;
FYI: i had a great fall when i was secondary one and one of my adult tooth came loose [literally fell out] so it's dead now, and they just keep it in contact by plastering it. and there are more adult teeth coming out. so doing bracing, can quicken the growth and aid in alignment (:
2:17 PM ♥