FACT-OF-THE-DAY!i went to check out what Celestine is, here goes....
1. when i typed 'Celestine' in the goggle search engine, there were 2 180 000 results haha
2. there were 5 Popes called Celestine! Pope Celestine I, Pope Celestine II, Pope Celestine III, etc. lol
3. there's this mineral ore called
celestite, it is the major source for this element called strontium
[celestite can also be called as celestine]
LOL! *i feeling like a piece of rock now*
4. there's this organisation called
Celestine Art House Management, it's all about fashion and photo shoots! COOL!! :D
5. there's this painting called 'La Celestine', a blue-green coloured painting, painted by
PABLO PICASSO :D *feeling so honored*
6. there's a town called Celestine! it's in the country: United States, state: Indiana. it only has 250 population lol
7. it is also a noun, to call a group of people - Celestines! chinese, malays, etc. HAHA!
8. a movie called 'The Celestine Prophesy', showed in the theaters in 2006, it's based on a novel by James Redfield (:
i'm like rolling around and laughing after i realised that Celestine could actually mean so much! LOL!!
then i went to check out what does the name Celestine [for humans] really meant...
origin: french
meaning: heavenly; from the sky
gender: female
but there are just some ku-ku website saying that the gender of Celestine is
MASCULINE!! crap!! no way man! LOL!!
lol no matter what, Celestine is just going to be Celestine, nothing else! haha :D :D
loves Celestine!!
7:31 PM ♥