stayed at home for the whole day..... :/ so i did quite a few rubbish stuff! haha first, i had some fun with this book - Great Little Book of Let's Go! Travel Pack. lol it's this book that has a lot of different kind of puzzles in it. things like..

drawing out something as the one shown

colouring the boxes by the given numbers which has a colour appointed to
like 1-Green, 2-Red..

look out for the given shapes in the picture

count the number of objects in the meshed up picture

spot the difference between the real image and the shadow

look for the identical pair

my favourite! this is all about joining up the dots from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on... (;

voila! haha
okay.. enough of this crap, so my Sis and i flipped open the 十万个为什么 book (: haha and we read things like.. why does the chicken pick on little stones after her meal, why is the porcupine [which is not afraid of lions, tigers etc] afraid of shunks, and why can't we hide under the tree when it's raining. lol then we played with food and ate candies and crap around! and my sis is doing the Rubik's Cube now - struggling haha
9:52 AM ♥