today's orientation was... lol went to school for like 3 hours to learn some SP's wireless software and meet our tutor. and after that 3 hours, i was stuck in the computer lab for like another 1 hour plus just to fix my User ID and stuff. blah! i was super hungry can! but thank God for Luchella haha she accompanied and entertained me all the way :D
went to Bugis to search for my Nike water bottle, but when i got there, they said it was out of stock! >:/ so i think i'd have to get it some other day, some where else *pout* haha then i bus-ed down to Serangoon to have the study group with Bryan, Benedict, Wayne and Merilyn. today was a lot of talking eh.. haha we were all crapping can and i was like on my lappie and Merilyn was playing the Rubik's Cube LOL! but afterall, you guys did study right? at least a lil? haha
12:03 PM ♥