I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool.
I like smiles too (:
she. seventeen. I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool. I like smiles too (: |
Saturday, May 31, 2008
poppin' jelly beans, given from my lovely sis hweebah bah black sheep and come to talk about him, where's he!?!? i'm missing you, sis!! Labels: of course i have wool 4:40 PM ♥ hula lauh nevertheless, i'm still hoping that for the good (; 4:36 PM ♥ letters to you cause i'm missing you badly.. :/ 3:04 PM ♥ orchard garden i can't wait to complete it; still as excited as watching David Copperfield perform a magic trick (; 2:27 PM ♥ kipping 2:23 PM ♥ Friday, May 30, 2008
last day of the term! so awesomely wonderful:holi holi and this is when my shopping spree starts too! (; 4:45 PM ♥ hwee! i will! -raise hands :D:D 3:08 PM ♥ alive and kicking 2:09 PM ♥ yellow apple 3:21 AM ♥ Thursday, May 29, 2008
i want to shop so so so badly! clothes clothes clothes! i need new clothes! i'm so tired of my wardrobe; make-over please?greeny eyes TopShop are having pretty pretty clothes at cheap cheap prices! when can i lay my hands on them?!? >:/
4:23 PM ♥ monkey ankey 1:15 PM ♥ rainy day = crazy day ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 12:30 PM ♥ brolly brolla 12:15 PM ♥ on ah! i'm contemplating on whether to go tennis or not; feeling a lil 'nua', but i think i'm still going (: 3:17 AM ♥ Wednesday, May 28, 2008
g'morning, folks! (;shine and rise pancakes, sandwich, congee, bacon, hashbrown? 11:30 PM ♥ sharapova tennis later in the day; rockin' :D 4:09 PM ♥ coconugget SMILE!! to Hwee: no frowns, no nothing alrighty? (; 3:14 PM ♥ honey honey 3:08 PM ♥ pebblely rocky Labels: awesome 3:04 PM ♥ bloated pufferfish my favourite: chocolate malt (; anyhow, promotion ends this Fri. want coupons? ask me! 2:40 PM ♥ fast fast fast Labels: pray pray pray 2:30 PM ♥ testify a testimony 2:17 PM ♥ Tuesday, May 27, 2008
GSS: GREAT SINGAPORE SALE!purse out see the grin on Celes's face? i think you can spot her from 100 miles away ((: 5:34 PM ♥ eat ya spinach 5:07 PM ♥ i love Hwee Hwee Celes in red HAHAHA i love talking to you always make me happy awww that's nice (: i so love my sister: Kenneth Lim Chin Hwee! you rock, i rock, we rock rock (; 5:05 PM ♥ girls out loud deal deal deal!! (; 4:55 PM ♥ bean-os! and Celes in red (; i like i love jelly bean as much as i love celes toilet leow shufen celestine hahahhahhaha awwwww so sweet of you!! ignore the toilet in front of my name lol anyhow, i didn't know that Gui Gui was so sweet ah :D marble monster rock! for once lol 2:37 PM ♥ money fly fly fly VGA adaptor [connect my Mac to projector] train concession contact lens total up to: $240 ouch :/ 12:48 PM ♥ army of God i'd be expecting more attacks to come; so devil: come what may! i'm not going to retreat! -rawr! 5:55 AM ♥ Monday, May 26, 2008
the smell of the jasmine perfume from the body shop still lingers on my hand: AWESOME!
green tea 1:24 PM ♥ happy b'day 1:20 PM ♥ Sunday, May 25, 2008
a potato with mole-y &feeds on candy canes
HOOP(: 6:15 PM ♥ oh brainy brain brain
6:06 PM ♥ thank you very nice just a simple, genuine thank-you makes her day! (; Labels: welcome to th club (: 4:01 PM ♥ fast and prayer and i'm so inspired to fast! like 10 days? hahah all because of Daryl! you guys should start listening to the progress of Daryl's connect group man! they are like... woah! the reports always, and really always, bring goosebumps upon goosebumps (; Labels: fast fast fast 3:45 PM ♥ my candies HAPPY HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!
you're such a blessing in my life! may this year be the best year yet for you! continue to rock on aye? :D:D glad that you love the Braun Buffel wallet (; 3:00 PM ♥ Saturday, May 24, 2008
whistle happy birthday with your mellow pops. TODAY! (;woo~ Labels: 90 cents only 5:55 PM ♥ puzzle bubbles and... HELLO MY DEAREST BED! (; 5:46 PM ♥ empowerment 2:52 PM ♥ ring the bell! 7:34 AM ♥ Friday, May 23, 2008
thanks for the bedtime story - Celes-rella! i think i will have a sweet and nice sleep later :D:D
KUKABARU! 4:12 PM ♥ cookie monster eat licorice you are far far far more awesome than them (; 4:08 PM ♥ i-screeeaaaaammmm!!!! 3:50 PM ♥ curly wurly urly 3:36 PM ♥ black-blue 3:33 PM ♥ raepo's keys 2:49 PM ♥ Thursday, May 22, 2008
to my M & Ayes, i am! i really want to go hang hang with you guys! i'm missin' you both like crap; come back to Celes! :/ Labels: missing me? 1:30 PM ♥ honey bee but still, choose the home that you love the most aye! 1:24 PM ♥ Wednesday, May 21, 2008
tennis tennis tennis! and i'm going to meet my lovely racket for the first time later - name? (;
koko crunch 4:17 PM ♥ angkasa sa sa sa 3:03 PM ♥ 100 degrees 2:40 PM ♥ eh you! come come come yay! can't wait for the NEOS Camp! i think this year's is going to be exploding-ly fantastic! we're having it with Pst Aries zone! so what are you waiting for!!! sign up todayyyy!! :D:D 2:15 PM ♥ joyous like.. research showed that in Singapore alone, there are 1.2 million of people shaking their legs every Sat, wondering why no one invite them to church. this really showed me how real the Bible verse is - the crops indeed are plentiful and white for harvesting but the labourers are few. oh God! i've never been so charged up for evangelism before, other than Emerge Conference lol so those who are in AZ and JOL, please please please come for the BS next tuesday, 6-8pm @ Riverwalk. i promise you that you're going to be blown away and super recharged for out-reaching after that! if not, you're really missing out on something good (; 2:12 PM ♥ Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hippyrolly polly olly Orange Olly Potato owe you one draw, await my masterpiece (; 3:18 PM ♥ sweeter than a pea 3:15 PM ♥ boy ah, wake up 3:12 PM ♥ yes, i've got wool skate skate skate.. and we ended up at the beach. and there came a few surfers haha! and they tried to surf in Singapore waters. that was when i realized how pathetic Singapore waves are. it was super puiny can LOL and those guys do have good builds eh.. right Esther? [the red, white and black one?] HAHAHA let's go skate again, SOON! (; and i grew a 'lil tanner!! 3:08 PM ♥ wa lala lala 2:50 PM ♥ Monday, May 19, 2008
what am i doing here when i'm suppose to wake up at 8.30am later!!!lights out! ahhhhhh!!! 6:40 PM ♥ ANTM yay, the girl that i love won! it's not called plus-size model; it's called beautiful (; 6:38 PM ♥ NEOS camp it'd be at Jurong JC 7-9 June!! (; 5:02 PM ♥ shrimpy low five; and a lil love (; 10:35 AM ♥ Sunday, May 18, 2008
poppin' jello beanos into my mouth,bites and chews it feels awesome-ly good! :D:D 5:43 PM ♥ marble man! awww... Guisheng! you're making me miss you! i can't wait to see you! please come back very very very very soon okay! then we can go out and study together, disturb each other and be no-link LOL but anyhow, you'll always be the best evil-marble-monster-old-man-yong that i'm missing! :D:D then i can go disturb you at attributes (: 4:58 PM ♥ fireflies 4:48 PM ♥ mighty minds think alike! happy sisters! 4:35 PM ♥ jello jelly beano beany ![]() Labels: skips(: 4:31 PM ♥ the seventeenth of may anyhow, service was good! and i felt so much better after talking to WeiFang :D 3:44 PM ♥ Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ten years ago, it was 1998. Take this survey, and see how many things have changed since then.i was only seven 1) How old were you? THEN: 7 NOW: turning 17 2) Where did you go to school? THEN: Rosyth Primary NOW: Singapore Poly 3) Where did you work? THEN: - NOW: not at the moment 4) Where did you live? THEN: Hougang Ave 8 NOW: same (: 5) How was your hairstyle? THEN: those doll-y kind? with straight fringe and short hair lol NOW: i need a haircut, urgently lol 6) Did you wear braces? THEN: no NOW: soon!!! this coming June! :D:D 7) Did you wear contacts? THEN: no NOW: yes 8) Did you wear glasses? THEN: no NOW: at home 9) Who was your best friend? THEN: Florella NOW: Adrina &Morgan!! :DD 10) Which of your pets were still alive? THEN: - NOW: one hamster ran away, the other died of hunger [i think lol] 11) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? THEN: - NOW: single (: 12) Who was your celebrity crush? THEN: Jerry Yan! oh my goodness! lol eh what.. some of you were crazy over boy bands okay hahaha! NOW: none 13) Who was your regular-person crush? THEN: stanley NOW: - 14) How many piercings did you have? THEN: two NOW: six 15) How many tattoos did you have? THEN: - NOW: - 16) What was your favourite band/singer? THEN: Britney Spears NOW: no favourites 17) Had you smoked a cigarette? THEN: - NOW: no 18) Had you gotten drunk? THEN: - NOW: no 19) Had you DRIVEN YET? THEN: i think i drove my brother's toy car, i was small enough to fit in (; NOW: waiting for twenty-one! 20) Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2008? doubt it.. back then, my life revolves around catching, hopscotch, ice and melt and barbie dolls lol it never occurred to me that i'd be doing business because i was inspired to be a teacher (: 6:35 PM ♥ geek 6:17 PM ♥ sis ken ken g'night! 5:56 PM ♥ it's here 4:42 PM ♥ misses finally, you visited me! :D:D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() actually i don't exactly love most of the pictures that we took, cause of the lighting and all :/ but these are the best few :D
4:40 PM ♥ Friday, May 16, 2008
yakko! wakko! dot! presenting to you... ANIMANIACS!! and i bet you'll fall in love with this all over again! :D:D 3:21 PM ♥ look herrreee it's a blue shark, and i'm lovin' it! -skips (: 3:50 AM ♥ the skies are pink i'm so bored-ed! having my break now, and having another hour later >:/ 3:43 AM ♥ Thursday, May 15, 2008
Vocab lesson with Celes! (;woo ahh ahh ahh SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS [soo-per-kal-uh-fraj-uh-lis-tik-ek-spee-al-i-doh-shuh ![]() – (adjective) used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English. sing sing sing along!! Supercalifragilisticexpia lidocious. Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, if you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious. Supercalifragilisticexpia lidocious! feeling smarter now? :D:D Labels: thanks Celes (; 3:44 PM ♥ supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 3:37 PM ♥ eyes got stamp oh my goodness me! i didn't realised that you were in the photo! if you were in there! i would have deleted it away already!!! ahhhhhh lol but nevermind, since it's Adrina who's the main character, i'll let it pass this time lol and to my butch-y GuiGui, i miss you!!!! :D:D [i'm feeling my goosebumps, don't you? hahaha] Labels: LOL LOL LOL 3:31 PM ♥ butch-er eh ya i got tell u b4 ? i kena mistaken as a butch b4 haha damn sad sia not 1 not 2 not 3 but 4 times sia haha LOL! HAHAHAHA eh.. guisheng.... i ask you ah... you.. ?? butch ah? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! i thought wat u gonna ask dat makes it 5 times man :D:D:D:D i realised that ever since i know GuiSheng, never once is our conversation like.. not kuku or no link. it's always.... LOL (: and i think he's going to sharapova me, when he sees all these lol bring it on! i'll wait for you at the tennis court with MARBLES! -pok pok! :D:D 3:24 PM ♥ wiak eh ya when u play tennis muz make alot of noise 1 rie really? when i see ppl play muz like "ah" "wow" "osssh" "hakkkk" "hiak" ya hahaha LOL! so can transfer all da strength out ar you imagine yourself doing that ah! hahah hahhaa so funni-ly kuku LOL! i think he's the only one in the whole wide world who would make so much noise when he plays tennis lol gui, remind me to bring earplugs when i play tennis with you the next time okay? (: 3:10 PM ♥ the old good times 3:08 PM ♥ yip! 2:16 PM ♥ guun guun 1:46 PM ♥ Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm taking up my crosspick it up Laying down my life All for the glory of Your name I'm living my whole life All for You Jesus Taking up my cross everyday 3:22 PM ♥ shake shake oh God, that really made me appreciate Singapore a lot! seriously. when i was seeing how the rescue workers pull the survivors out, the pain was excruciating can. and some had totally lost their sense of touch, due to the debris that was pressing on them. if Singapore were to have one, and i'm trapped...... Praise God, i don't know what to do LOL! but i'm super burdened after the news, and plan to pray for the situation to turn for the better. those survivors out there: HANG IN THERE! THEY ARE COMING TO SAVE YOU! as if they can hear me lol anyhow, i really hope that they will be able to pull through (;
3:03 PM ♥ SPTC Labels: S'pore Poly Tennis Club 1:49 PM ♥ xoxo i'm missing you both real badly! ![]() ![]() 1:46 PM ♥ Tuesday, May 13, 2008
my brother is addicted to Viwawa lol!
bah 5:09 PM ♥ i'm lovin' it let me name all the flavours! Strawberry Tangerine Raspberry Jam Granny Smith Apple Popcorn Hawaiian Pineapple Lemon and Lime South Seas Kiwi Cinnamon Sour Lemon English Blackberry Peachy Pie Marshmallow Pear Watermelon Banana Split Tropical Punch Pina Colada Root Beer Strawberry Smoothie Candy Floss Passion Fruit Blueberry Pie Caribbean Coconut Grape Liquorice Bubblegum Wild Cherry and they seriously are rockin'ly good! please lay your hands on them - Candy Empire can't wait to let my girlfriends try on Wed (: 3:10 PM ♥ knock knock hello to those who are reading my blog! you guys should start leaving your name around. so that i know who you are (: one of them is of course my dearest sister Hwee Hwee (: and next is Jek! 3:05 PM ♥ it's you Simple things is what my heart beats for Cause that's me I don't ask for much, baby Having you is enough You don't have to spend a dime, baby I just want your time Labels: :D:D 2:43 PM ♥ espland-ae 2:37 PM ♥ Monday, May 12, 2008
this is pretty too. handmade from Australia and it cost $51 (:foofy poofy ![]() ![]() 4:37 PM ♥ hopes ![]() ![]() ![]() the red is pretty, the pink is nice and the white is classic. all looks good aye? an indecisive Celes (; Labels: apple in vaio 4:32 PM ♥ sis for life from Hougang to Potong Pasir lol
4:20 PM ♥ toady get my finger puppet and my orange pen from Morgan!! very soon!! Labels: things to do 2:54 PM ♥ boing boing 2:47 PM ♥ Sunday, May 11, 2008
i'm leaving you a text, and i hope it'd lift up your spirits when you view it :D:D
that's so Celes 5:06 PM ♥ gladness P.S. she whispered the sinner's prayer (: 4:27 PM ♥ MaMa rock rock rock!! HAPPY MOM'S DAY!! to all rockin' Mama, especially mine! i just want you to know that you are sincerely appreciated by me, the things that you've done for me and all the little acts! if it hadn't been you, i doubt i would be who i am today, i <3 you!! :D:D
4:20 PM ♥ Saturday, May 10, 2008
ilub = i love you, bed!!!ilub here i come! :D:D
3:56 PM ♥ woopy but nevertheless, just thinking of you make me smile SMILE SMILE!! (; and when i post, i don't post insignificant things. so when i said "much more often" i really mean it - much [x100 000 000 000..] more often (: Labels: doing good? 3:05 PM ♥ Ming Ming Han Han so, this means that you're on planet Earth for 17 years still young aye? (: have an awesome time; cause you're the king today! and please never forget me okay? your one and only dearest stalker ![]() Labels: Ming hannn hann han hanny (: 3:00 PM ♥ alleluia! 2:40 PM ♥ sinnet but but but.. i'll try my best to enjoy! and i hope that my group will be the most hyper and fun-est one! :D:D Labels: read backwards 2:35 PM ♥ yay!! 3:43 AM ♥ Friday, May 09, 2008
JO JO JO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOSEPHINE!! it's your day today! i just want to say.. thanks for being such a wonderful ZS! enjoy this awesome day ahead! ilu & God bless!! :D:D
4:01 PM ♥ xoxo seven waits. it seems never ending! i'm really really really missing you, zillion and billion and million of truck loads! :/ Labels: i'm writing letters to you 3:57 PM ♥ what's next? if i don't, i'll never know whether are you coming for the gatherings. but if i do, i'm afraid that you'll find me a bother :/ what do you want me to do?
3:50 PM ♥ you make my world stop ahhhhhh!!!!! oh my goodness me! i'm super over the moon, the sun and the whole universe! i wanted to text you, but you texted me instead! never have i expected that, how much more can i ask! i'm so so so so HAPPY! my heart skipped a beat @ 10:46pm (; Labels: you make me smile make me happy 2:06 AM ♥ Thursday, May 08, 2008
i really pray and hope with all my heart, soul and mind that the days will never ever drift us apart (;flap away when you are with me, i'm free i'm careless, i believe. above all the others, we'll fly this brings tears to my eyes. Labels: i just want to say hello again 4:20 PM ♥ uh-huh ![]() (: Labels: thanks mr. postman 3:10 PM ♥ poppies Labels: ilu babes (; 3:05 PM ♥ God's gift it's wonders, not wonder (;
2:10 PM ♥ GABBY! happy birthday GABriel!
woohoo! you're seventeen! shock-ed right? didn't expect me to text you (; anyhow, have an awesome awesome day! you're the man!! :D :D 1:01 AM ♥ Wednesday, May 07, 2008
where are you? i bet that you're in bed already! sleep well alright? i just want to tell you that i want you home soon! :D:Dpink, blue, maroon Labels: i'm like a bird 3:59 PM ♥ rainbow 3:54 PM ♥ beauty you will be beautiful (;
12:10 PM ♥ Bowenian and of course all my friends! if i were to be posted else where, i wouldn't get to know you guys. and little will i expect myself to be converted into a Christian! loves! (; all my past four years has been goody good good!
12:07 PM ♥ coolios! my pleasure, folks! so long as you are happy, Celes is happy! :D:D i want to be a superwoman of many! (;
11:51 AM ♥ Tuesday, May 06, 2008
i studied for two and a half hours (:pat heads off to bed now, to the world: BYE! :D:D
4:37 PM ♥ smarty! smarty Celes :D:D
3:41 PM ♥ cher!! Labels: Celes needs some help here 3:06 PM ♥ letters to you and i'm starting to miss you like mad :/ coming home soon? yes, please?
1:55 PM ♥ three hours after school, some of us took a bus down to NP just for their sandwich! LOL but it's worth it can, the sandwich is super duper nice :D:D met quite a lot of people today eh.. people like.. Kenny, Kai Lun... uhm..... actually two only lol it felt like a dozen. (:
1:40 PM ♥ Monday, May 05, 2008
i want to know what's on your mind now! but i think you're asleep lol oh well, how i wish i could always be the first to know what you're thinking about (;
you you you 4:15 PM ♥ random craving for a lolly? thinking of your future partner? praying? hoppin' around? what to eat for supper later? a math question? picturing a star? what is on your mind at the moment? 4:05 PM ♥ no worries i'll be keeping you in my prayers (; Labels: yong guigui 4:00 PM ♥ hmmm :/ waits = twenty-four hours
10:15 AM ♥ Sunday, May 04, 2008
thanks for the candies!rockin' fartsy! totally enjoying 'em -skips! :D:D but when will i get to see you? -pout :/ Labels: the artsy 6:00 PM ♥ to yong guigui you don't seem good recently. but no matter what, SMILE OKAY! please please please don't emo! no frowns, no nothing! just a happy happy and bouncy GuiSheng :D:D i don't hope to see GuiSheng really turning into an.... old emo marble man monster yong okay! and you better be smiling, cause i dedicated a post to you! smile NOW!!! i mean NOW!! - you better be smiling in front of your lappie lol in case you don't know, Celes is a good listener (;
5:06 PM ♥ explode-ation 1. spiritual fruitfulness 2. spiritual adoption 3. spiritual empowerment out-reaching was never meant to be boring, lifeless, and a one-man show. co-work with the people around you, especially the Holy Spirit - He is the only one who is flawless; you can trust in every word that He says, He's super accurate. with all these, out-reaching is never going to be the same again (: 30,000? AMEN!
4:59 PM ♥ dumb dumb vending-machine oh well, so i chose this cracker thing which cause $1.50 but i only have a $50 note with me. so Morgan paid for me first. we put in the coins and pushed the buttons, but the thing is that it got stuck! it didn't drop out! [#2] >:/ great... what now? we had got no more coins, i wanted to change for shilling with this auntie, selling cup corn and all, but i don't think she would want to, cause my note was huge. and so i got a cup corn, and with the shilling, Morgan inserted the coins, and pushed the button. BUT! she pushed the wrong button, Jack n Jill came out. [#3] LOL! and thank God, we finally got it right on the third time.
i spent $5 just like that and we were caught up at the vending machine for like..... 15 mins? lol 2:45 PM ♥ igloo please? 5:58 PM ♥ caught in between i'd love to rejoice with you! when you get to converse, i know how you feel. it's as if your whole world is fading away! i want to smile and hop around with you! for the other.. i want you to know that you still have me! i'll always be there for you (; don't allow anything to make you sad, promise? i don't want to see any frowns on your dear face! smile my darling! it's such a pity that he has stamps all over his eyes that blinded him from seeing such a pretty young lady :D:D but i'm caught in between.. to say? or not to say? to rejoice? or to sit down and comfort? i want the best for both of you! you guys are my love! but how? how can i come to a great big full-stop, where both are happy? Labels: stupid _______ 4:40 PM ♥ Edwin's birthday! even though it was yesterday, but we had fun with my MacBook, didn't we? (; ![]() there we are! ![]() Edwin act cool lol ![]() our teeth! and Edwin doesn't have any! ![]() we were suppose to act frightened - Mer succeeded. Haniza and Celes looked like yawning lol ![]() LOL! Haniza wanted to show me this scary stare, but i gave her the.. what-the-heck face! ![]() emo people! Mer don't seem to understand (: dinosaur :D we just chilled around at Cathay's Starbucks and took a bus to my house for a game(s) of mahjong (:
4:33 PM ♥ you know that? makes me feel like screaming! today's a Saturday :D:D
4:00 PM ♥ pong! chi! hu ah! 3:50 PM ♥ love city 3:33 PM ♥ happy? more than that! :D:D :you made my day Labels: smile at everything and anything 1:42 PM ♥ go go go! pray pray pray! [in the teriyaki boys song's tune] 1:40 PM ♥ Thursday, May 01, 2008
a groove! ![]() say hello to my dimple! :D 3:09 PM ♥ |