woohoo! had BS with Pst Aries just now! it was
AWESOMELY AWESOME!! how i wish that everyone was there! he named this three-lessons BS
EVANGELISM EXPLOSION! i received thousands upon thousands of revelations can. he talked about the characteristics of the harvest field.
like.. research showed that in Singapore alone, there are 1.2 million of people shaking their legs every Sat, wondering why no one invite them to church. this really showed me how real the Bible verse is - the crops indeed are plentiful and white for harvesting but the labourers are few. oh God! i've never been so charged up for evangelism before, other than Emerge Conference lol
so those who are in AZ and JOL, please please please come for the BS next tuesday, 6-8pm @ Riverwalk. i promise you that you're going to be blown away and super recharged for out-reaching after that! if not, you're really missing out on something good (;
2:12 PM ♥