I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool.
I like smiles too (:
she. seventeen. I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool. I like smiles too (: |
Monday, June 30, 2008
i know i've said this a zillion times before, but it wouldn't kill saying another time right?tiny pinky HWEE YOU ROCK!! seriously (; P.S. i got you your favourite colour!
6:13 PM ♥ watery eyes 6:09 PM ♥ sleep titans pillows, blanket, bedtime story, bolsters, all-time favourite teddy/dinosaur 5:09 PM ♥ F.A.M.I.L.Y. 3:07 PM ♥ thai in flesh! 4:45 PM ♥ Saturday, June 28, 2008
after a long day.. ease your ears (: 3:04 PM ♥ i'm gonna be here 5:44 PM ♥ never too late and when i told yanting, she said... 'we are having CA2 tmr, not CA4' -.o i still happily downloaded and attempted it. LOL i think i'm rather kuku recently eh hahah 5:11 PM ♥ empty stomach 5:00 PM ♥ the heart never lies and i love You more than i did yesterday (; Labels: one min in Your courts is better than a thousand days out there 1:32 PM ♥ Thursday, June 26, 2008
July 2008's RD is at my doorstep (:RDAISA.COM Labels: read and digest. 5:22 PM ♥ dr. krit tithirangsi 3:11 PM ♥ tasty tasty BUT BUT BUT!! when i took a closer look.. it was actually a badminton racquet -.o i feel ultra dumb can. too much of squash and tennis racquets made me totally forgot how a badminton racquet looks like. and at this very moment when i'm posting, Chels is rolling around in front of her vaio laughing her ass off. yes Chels? come on, i made your day and some muscles today huh? you better love me for that :D
3:05 PM ♥ the jelly bean factory one word - MARVELOUS (:
2:58 PM ♥ Wednesday, June 25, 2008
My Jesus, i call Your name,under these sheets You're broken for all my shame. And i place all my trust in You, And i place all my hope in You. C
3:25 PM ♥ pull yourself Labels: thanks sis (: 1:58 PM ♥ that's so C you better be nice to be okay, if not i'll scribble-colourfully on your face 12:13 AM ♥ pingpong heaven throw them away, remove all for my sake C
5:56 PM ♥ will you see 5:23 PM ♥ nestle milo 5:12 PM ♥ smell some lilies and and and he has a DIMPLE!! i only realised that after seventeen years of living together with him LOL
3:04 PM ♥ screamo 3:07 AM ♥ Monday, June 23, 2008
to Hwee:girl-power!! you're having your papers this week too, yes? all the best, sis! do your best and God will do the rest :D:D 5:55 PM ♥ candyman, lollyman and hi school, oh and exams. rah-rah! eight more weeks before another holiday :/
5:39 PM ♥ so far away 4:25 PM ♥ soaking wet 4:05 PM ♥ dark and cold 4:01 PM ♥ die before i wake debit, credit, trial balance, error of commision, freight inwards K.O., kingkong, rah-rah, ilu
1:41 PM ♥ polly pony you you here, you you there, you you everywhere. 7:03 AM ♥ Sunday, June 22, 2008
to Daniel: HELLO HELLO!! sorry i didn't say it just now, but i did now! (:puffy pillow yes, the one who was with Hwee just now. you, yes you!! 5:05 PM ♥ listen to me the love of my life. Wherever You go, wanna be by your side. Make me a servant, my heart's ever true. Clinging to the cross, i'll follow You.. Labels: fool for Christ (: 4:50 PM ♥ Saturday, June 21, 2008
spill the peanuts i didn't know that i can go crazy with Chels over MSN. the only thing that is different from the usual is that there's totally no sound. we'd be 'lol'-ing all the way but it's still quiet HAHA
Chels! i can go over your place for a PJ party right now, yes? :D 6:50 PM ♥ kikoman 6:04 PM ♥ cisco cisco!! Labels: BEWARE: nineteen in Temasek Poly 5:03 PM ♥ pull the strings 4:12 PM ♥ save the world Mango, Miss Selfridge, River Island, Pull and Bear i got myself a belt, skirt and dress (: good good cause at least i've got new clothings. BUT BUT BUT no good because i can find everything except TOPS!! oh well, kind of pissed off along the way. >:/ MANGO IS ON SALE!! BIG HUGE ENORMOUS GIGANTIC EXTRAVAGANT CRAZY SALE!! -no kidding and Riverisland's heels were as cheap as $30! BUT they are all about 4 inches (: 4:03 PM ♥ Friday, June 20, 2008
my childhood: super mario & puzzle bubble
twinkle twinkle 6:01 PM ♥ radio ladio Over again Don't make me change my mind speak my heart out, truly. 4:03 PM ♥ saw it on your keyboard 3:35 PM ♥ lift my hands & pray BBQ was ultimate! Sisca, Bryan and i all trained up some muscles trying to fan the fire: three cheers! oh well, N412 rocks yes? :D 3:14 PM ♥ green tea frappuccino BUT NO!! STUDY CELES, STUDY!! location: Starbucks @ SengKang 5:39 AM ♥ potato port 1:17 AM ♥ Thursday, June 19, 2008
aniticipating the morning prayer meeting later at JW :D
lose my breath 8:33 PM ♥ random wishes HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 3:52 PM ♥ tell the peanut 3:21 PM ♥ Wednesday, June 18, 2008
tell me what's going on, will you?fallen star look at the signs read between the lines 3:03 PM ♥ pock pok and it wasn't as easy as i thought it was (: 2:45 PM ♥ Tuesday, June 17, 2008
it's actually turning into a heartache..gorilla grapes tell me when? 6:28 PM ♥ ognam 3:02 AM ♥ Monday, June 16, 2008
clickesthe filthy youth this is so.. LOL do look at the archives too. 7:20 PM ♥ xoxo Labels: hugs and kisses 7:09 PM ♥ imaginationary 3:07 PM ♥ glica 1:41 PM ♥ walking fish staying at home with my all-time superman (:
7:25 AM ♥ Sunday, June 15, 2008
i didn't know that my bed is so comfy to watch movies on (:lonely fairytale and it makes me want to close my eyes too g'night! 7:48 PM ♥ hit the highway yawning is contagious 4:30 PM ♥ write a letter in ink chocolate banana flavoured pocky chocolate banana flavoured Hi Chew biscuit from Hong Kong strawberry flavoured candy from sis Hwee chocolate marshmallow lastly! chocs from my superhero! :D:D 4:13 PM ♥ a lil more than yes THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! you saved my life! ahh! -skips :D:D 4:01 PM ♥ Saturday, June 14, 2008
bedtime, Celes.banana chocolate g'night folks!
9:05 PM ♥ xoxo GG 8:54 PM ♥ apple green tea 4:46 PM ♥ Friday, June 13, 2008
voila! 5:54 PM ♥ five-holes specs 5:52 PM ♥ cheese! 3:53 PM ♥ polly dolly it's friday the thirteen (: 3:42 PM ♥ wind up i just wanna see Your face tonight and i'm willing to lose everything i am Labels: music: Hawk Nelson's take me 3:04 PM ♥ red ribs not for the cameras but for Samsung printers lol at least it's still something! but this means that i'm missing church this week eh... :/ 8:03 AM ♥ Thursday, June 12, 2008
i want companion for breakfast later. anyone, anyone will do (:radio with lips give me a morning call and off we go! 6:21 PM ♥ chicago abalone i wanted to say 'change the cables' not 'pipes'. check out my matching pipes! my bedroom is over there (: 3:29 PM ♥ orange cabby 3:23 PM ♥ ching phing whing i so love you guys; we rock rock together okay! 3:09 PM ♥ chick paddle 1. dined at New York New York we had seafood platter; crab! 2. watched Kung Fu Panda i was kind of too tired to keep my eyes open, but it's nice (: 3. had chocolate fondue at Anderson's yes, it was good lol oh my my! i need to work and earn back everything that i've foolishly lost! $250 in two days is absolutely ridiculous, totally! >:/ 2:54 PM ♥ Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Nik just texted me asking when would the prayer conference be! i think he'll really stretch me more than i can stretch him eh. Nik, i'll love you for that LOL
bouncy bouncy smack smack 5:31 PM ♥ in this club give me a ring when you meet an accident okay? lol 5:29 PM ♥ surprise me, pandora? antidote: send me a text and tell me 'CELES, YOU ROCK!', NOW NOW NOW!! 5:10 PM ♥ yes, i'm kuku 4:26 PM ♥ coconut sweet :D:D 4:07 AM ♥ NEOS OYE!! anyhow, the camp was awesome eh! especially the concert on Sunday night! performers include: Jacky the beatboxer (: Srikeforce Jasmine Tai [one of the first season of S'pore idol contestant] a duo of of this Indonesian singer and a keyboardist who was awarded 1st in 2007 Yamaha's competition how i wish i can film down the whole concert lol and the campfire was so.. LOL we had a '1000 legged worm' dance with 500plus people in a small small basketball court. so squeezy eh, but super fun :D:D and the night devotions.. stretched everyone physically & mentally rather than spiritually luh lol it was really a night devotion, at either 1am or 2am. hahah but one thing that's lacking in my clan was cheers >:/ oh well, i think my clan is the super not cheer-y clan. but still i love Corinth, AMEN! lol 十三一, 十三一, 發大財 同花順啊, 同花順, 我也要 lemnos, lemnos, sat sat sat (: 3:58 AM ♥ Sunday, June 08, 2008
oh my honey bee! camp is commencing in seven hours time! i'm super duper uper ultimately extravagantly ultraly excited!! :D:Dbutter and magarine you guys can still contact me, cause i brought my charger! (; 4:48 AM ♥ Saturday, June 07, 2008
actually i'm just too excited to catch a wink, pass me the kite and we can go fly fly (:mary had a lil lamb anyhow, i'm just going to force myself to bed, cause tomorrow is going to be a long long day. Labels: and they went round the hill 6:38 PM ♥ milo likes you i just finished playing sushido. time for bed, Celes! (; Labels: do you like milo? 6:30 PM ♥ trick of the day in which one can you see the word - LION? ans: No17 either turn your com or yourself upside down. i'm just too bored eh LOL 3:20 PM ♥ vermilion zebra 3:13 PM ♥ goal! 3:10 PM ♥ papa mama #1 my sayangs - ADDY & MORGAN!! (: #2 HWEE!! oh sister! miss me too okay! #3 Raepo - don't try anything funny when i'm not around. i want to see you in one piece when i return okay LOL and of course i'd be missing you, you and you too! 3:04 PM ♥ tYpPiNgG |yK DiSs !s Co00o|L! aNd Mii3 iS lUbbS |uBbS c3|3s dEe l0rZxZ =PpP oh my goodness, i'm freaking myself out can! 3:03 PM ♥ evian 2:24 PM ♥ Friday, June 06, 2008
zoe zoe zoe! i've got this blue-black on my right feet LOL
voodoo 4:47 PM ♥ i'm seventy% water 4:37 PM ♥ rooster chirps 4:23 PM ♥ uay-phaawn-wan-geert!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRIT TITHIANGSI!! i would love to fedex a cake with eighteen candles to Australia, and to send a 'happy birthday' zephyr into the sky right now! krit krit krit! i can't wait; you're coming back! i want to see you you you! :D:D 3:44 PM ♥ where you gonna go? ate at Pizza Hut [and their service was and is still.. urrggg >:/] went studying with Addy @ Tampines had an Addy phone-search went chair arranging @ Expo [and we finished all today - (:] nothing special today unless you count that i tripped and fell! lol i haven't fell down for ages! and this time was in the public, oh gosh. Labels: salvation is here 2:49 AM ♥ Thursday, June 05, 2008
i realised that we've come very far, seriously. from the first day till now? every part was wonderful (;
b' chiku 2:21 PM ♥ pocket full of sunshine 2:15 PM ♥ Wednesday, June 04, 2008
BON VOYAGE, ISAAC!!SIT on an airplane! :D:D 6:32 PM ♥ ring-a-ding-a-ling thank you, my lucky charm! 6:31 PM ♥ sneezing panda peek-a-boo (; 4:08 PM ♥ why are foxes sly? 2:28 PM ♥ i went out! 2:25 PM ♥ Tuesday, June 03, 2008
i came in FIRST FIRST FIRST!!mom see this!! in holding the largest memory space in Hwee's MSN convo history! oh my pillow! that's awesome-ly LOL! eh it's still something okay? do you have any? hahah 5:47 PM ♥ buy me a postcard Labels: drop me a line 4:21 PM ♥ umbrella ella ella 4:14 PM ♥ tweety 4:11 PM ♥ say cheese! 2:21 PM ♥ rubber ducky but anyhow, the thought of shopping on Wednesday makes me happy (; 6:04 AM ♥ Monday, June 02, 2008
U2 rockin' ![]() and Calvin has one; so envious 6:00 PM ♥ super bouncy bean 5:50 PM ♥ les-les 2:23 PM ♥ Sunday, June 01, 2008
oh Celes Celes, i'm happy for you (;
petty smiley laugh at me 9:25 PM ♥ too good to be true pinch me hard! it's so unbelievable! 9:25 PM ♥ pull the wagon! take a look at the time, and you're meeting Ad and Morgan later. 6:57 PM ♥ puss in boots 5:51 PM ♥ coveting 4:49 PM ♥ ah gaga 4:15 PM ♥ :D:D hwee, how's yours doing? 4:03 PM ♥ fast and prayer! Labels: pray pray pray 3:56 PM ♥ mentor my mentee 3:50 PM ♥ enitselec 4:28 AM ♥ |