ZOO!! yes, we went to the zoo! (: had an awesome time there, but my camera went out of batt at the 6th animal :/ that's super irritating! i had loads of things to take! oh and we fed the giraffe!! it's tongue is omg-ly long & blueblack hahah

Probosics Monkey - the long nose monkey



Guanaco with this bird that has an 'afro' hair hahah (spot the light orange spikes)

Zebra-bra-bra-bra hahah

That two black birds on top of the rhino: 'woo! free ride!'
we saw..
Probosics Monkey, Otter, Parrots, White tiger, Flamingo, Gibbon, Guanaco, Polar Bear, White Rhino, Eland, Zebra, Giraffe, Gnu, Cheetah, Ostrich, African lion, Cottonear Monkey (face as big as two fifty cents coins; super cute!), Iguana, Baby Crocodile, Snakes, Squirrel Monkey, Mandrill, Chimpanzee, Orang Utan, Hamadryas Baboon, Elephants, Kangaroos & Pygmy Hippo (:
i wouldn't mind going back again!

everyone came home to celebrate B'day with me!
Thanks bro! for travelling all the way from NTU back home (:

happy family please (:

haven't had a cake for a long long long long time, and so Mom got me one this year! :D