I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool.
I like smiles too (:
she. seventeen. I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool. I like smiles too (: |
Sunday, November 30, 2008
i was on bus 72 just now, on my way to YCK. and guess what i saww..horrid police, a blue 'tent', police barricade/out-of-bound area tape, and pieces of what looked like.. meat. and it's not any kind of flesh, but a little curvy & beige flesh - the brain. -vomit 1:53 PM ♥ he does nothing g'night! 4:19 AM ♥ what'ya gonna do? 2:29 AM ♥ Saturday, November 29, 2008
my plan:puppy ducks - finish studying PACC - look through Econs tutorials - do Econs online quiz deadline: before bedtime. (i really need to stay awake) 11:36 PM ♥ be my baby my red jacket is trying its best to warm me. but i think my nose is still free, and i'm sneezing. 3:30 AM ♥ close the flossy & goodnight 3:18 AM ♥ an eyecandy, nothing else yesterday: white fcuk shirt, a beigh bottom, a lace-up pumps & a backpack. hot. (right mady? haha) 3:12 AM ♥ that black GAP hoodie sisters for life -smiley P.S. i'm bolding this, to catch attention(s) 3:09 AM ♥ just do it! left with Accountings, Statistics & MS Access. it's kind of a lot to study within 3 days.. 3:08 AM ♥ music: I Was Born to Make You Happy by Britney Spears but the exams are here and i haven't been progressing a lot in my revision. worried. 12:36 AM ♥ Friday, November 28, 2008
i'm reading P.S. I Love You. and i thought that the book was lovely. even though i was told the plot before, but the whole book is good.spiralling oh and to add on to that list below, i want to watch: P.S. I Love You (: 1:00 AM ♥ steal the limelight 1. Twilight 2. Quarantine (the french version) 3. HEROES!! 4. Prison Break 5. Quantum of Solace i remember i had a lot on my list.. i'll add on to this when i remember them (: 12:56 AM ♥ eXplorerkid well, all the best folks! 12:43 AM ♥ mady, kill me!! can she take initiative/DISCUSS/just speak?? 12:29 AM ♥ Thursday, November 27, 2008
rather productive today (:quit playing games 1. watch The Cut by Roystan Tan, for my film appreciation test 2. finish two topics for Econs 3. finish Statistics tutorial 4. finish my part for Marketing ppt 5. complied half of the Marketing report 12:18 AM ♥ Wednesday, November 26, 2008
mary round that bush ![]() i would want to visit the beach again. chill-chill soon yes? 1:08 AM ♥ lip balm is not helping i can't smile, i can't lick my lips, cause it hurts :( 12:48 AM ♥ 7 cups of coffee i really really miss them 12:26 AM ♥ mary beat juliet 4 papers 4 days 4 consecutive days Econs: 3 topics Accountings: 3 topics Stats: 4 topics iTAB: MS Access (i'm very clueless about this, real clueless) God bless Celes -smile 12:21 AM ♥ Monday, November 24, 2008
omg my auntie is so cute. she asks:SHU FEN is my chinese name hi, you are? shu fen you are? how old are you? haha 17, shu fen? ring a bell? oh! first one to msn is you, you'll be very lucky tomorrow my lovely Eileen aunite (: 10:57 PM ♥ withdraw? no way 1. start implementing the caring system on my 'seeds' 2. read the bible 3. fast, fast, fast 4. to be a nice human being to everyone 5. PRAY!! i'm just so charged/pumped up after this whole conference! 12:28 AM ♥ that's our DNA i'm so proud of Pastor Kong, i'm so proud of Sun, i'm so proud to be a City Harvest Church member! (: 12:27 AM ♥ shout, shout, shout it out! i had received plenty of revelations & this whole conference has blessed me inside-out. i know that i've grown to another level and this is not the end: greater things are yet to come & greater things are yet to be done! 12:17 AM ♥ Sunday, November 23, 2008
you never fail to make my heart skip a bit & make me go '!!!!!!!!!!!!' on the inside.i'm listening to 97.2FM that's just the thing that i enjoy when i see you. even though it only last a few seconds, you made those seconds really special. but.. would you ever know about these? 11:59 PM ♥ decode the code Pst Benny is omg-ly powerful.last day of Asia Conference; starting to miss all the sermons/services; back to school (sigh) alrighty, got to sleep real soon. waking up at 6 later. 12:49 AM ♥ Saturday, November 22, 2008
i want to watch Heroes & get started on Prison Break, soon. real soon.
beat it 1:22 AM ♥ i wouldn't change my mind 12:59 AM ♥ Friday, November 21, 2008
i'm super tired. had a long day in school & then queue for 1 and a half hours before entering the hall. well, at least we get to sit in hall 8 today (:winter wonderland and i'm suppose to be in bed. i'm waking up at 5.30am later, cause i'm serving for the two day services. omg which means i only have 4 hours of sleep!?!?! God, multiply my sleep pleaseee.. 1:18 AM ♥ Thursday, November 20, 2008
the opening night was a blast! i was blown away by the service. & this gets me even more excited for the sessions to come -skipsASIA CONFERENCE!! Session 1: my cellgroup had to sit in the overflow room (Hall 10) cause we joined the queue rather late. well, it was still as good over at Hall 10 (: but i would prefer to get a seat in Hall 8.. 12:31 AM ♥ Tuesday, November 18, 2008
a 3 hour lesson tomorrow morning. feeling rather uncomfortable now, really feel like skipping :/
move at the speed of light 11:03 PM ♥ keep the fence white . a insect bum on my elbow. . waiting for my four hours break to end. . sitting beside Mady at yellow bench. . rather cooling here . and i'm resist the temptation of food around me, cause i'm fasting. . and i plan to read a book to kill time (: 2:53 PM ♥ something i rely on guard your heart, guard your mind, guard your soul 2:28 PM ♥ nina my vamp Twilight 18th December i love vamps! (like how a kid love to be tugged into bed) that's the only genre that i read & the movie is coming out! -scream & pull hair 2:19 AM ♥ pass me the microphone 12:05 AM ♥ Monday, November 17, 2008
painting my nails: nude
pieces of crumbs 2:46 PM ♥ a bottle tree rest day. stay home. finish up tutorials. think of the projects that are coming up. plan out my timetable for next week. (get excited because next week is AC!) oh, and panic!! cause exams are in two weeks time -stare into blank space 8:29 AM ♥ Sunday, November 16, 2008
'm glad to bump into guisheng at Marina Square. you're missed, friend. (:lost in th' spotlight reply: omg of course! marbles for life man! -peace out 8:18 PM ♥ pictojournal on G's b'day Giolinni's 19th birthday celebration! (; Gio & his lemon-flavoured birthday cupcake desserts @ Andersen's ice cream treated by our beloved birthday boy! ![]() & we strolled to the river and sat at the amphitheater: ![]() ![]() took a lot of jump shots. ![]() (this was the best) ![]() and got tired, so we decided to have stand shots instead lol ![]() oh and the birthday boy opened his presents! (my toes!) then we continued cam-whoring (laughs) ![]() see that tiny 'Jack' trying to climb the beanstalk? ![]() the merlion (left to right): 1. stomach churn 2. feel dizzy 3. open mouth 4. vomitttt (i look like 'ahh the food taste good' lol) ![]() haniza: 'eh see what see. kpo' we :D so this is how my Saturday night end! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIOLINNI, once again!!! -grins 8:10 PM ♥ Saturday, November 15, 2008
14th Nov '08star: Demi Neo (: celebrated my sweetie-pie's 2 years old birthday (; -hugs! when i stepped into the house, she came up to me & pointed at my braces. touched them & withdrew her fingers, frowning. 'cause she thought that they were freaky (cute haha) well, she looks a little boy-boy aye? haha she may look adorable but beware, she pinches/scratches/box you just to get her toy. don't mess with her lol & my another lovable kid - yong i miss all my cousins can! (i can't seem to find the rest of my cousin's photos -sigh) 6:15 PM ♥ that's what we go to school for -smiley 3:50 PM ♥ Friday, November 14, 2008
i was feeling super downcast just now. [:(] thoughts ran through my mind, faster than i could really catch them. i felt kind of insignificant/useless at that very moment. it's the last thing that you will hope to see in yourself; my self-esteem hit rock-bottom. tell me that i'm still important? a nitty bit?1, 2, 3, 4, cheers! i know all things happen for the better, & there's a higher calling from above. hear Him, trust Him & continue loving Him -smiley (well, as i said: i was feeling downcast. i've already thrown that devil way behind me.) 4:00 PM ♥ Thursday, November 13, 2008
i took a quiz & the results were 'scarily' true!freaking coolios Your view on yourself: You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.Your views on education Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success: You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to you know more about me, and i know more about myself too -laughs 4:53 PM ♥ i walk alone ![]() with a little sprinkle of your imagination, shaping the things that you adore, the world will turn out to be how you have always wanted it to be. a friendlier, a less chaotic, a more lovely, a more caring, and a more beautiful Earth. daydreaming may just be that cure for you to escape from your $&@%#@!@ life. -smiley 3:24 PM ♥ i say fight-fight idk but the sudden thought that i might lose him feels really scary. it's like.. losing someone really close to you for life, forever. and the big thing is that.. he's not saved! which means, i will really not see him forever, if that really happens. now, thank God for more time. i'll do my best to get my family saved (: 3:08 PM ♥ Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dad's down with dengue (he suspects). & he's not going to the doctor, 'cause he doesn't want to end up hospitalised. he's so feeble & giddy now, waking up only 2hrs for yesterday. poor thing, i'm very worried for him :(
bake some onions 4:33 PM ♥ take this disc 4:17 PM ♥ pumping the air anw, that was kenrick (; 4:13 PM ♥ Tuesday, November 11, 2008
a wet morning. a tiring first lecture. boring/monotonous/not-funny lecturer.put your hands in the air well, i guess it's the monday blues. school starts at 9am and i stayed all the way till 6.45pm just to discuss project: i'm super drained now. :( 3:25 PM ♥ Monday, November 10, 2008
it's only the fifth week of school! when is my holis comingggg? :/
projects, be GONE! 6:22 PM ♥ Sunday, November 09, 2008
it took me a very long time to enter the contacts into the MSN list. and now, finally, i can go to bed.spiralling around the stairs gnight (: 8:42 PM ♥ partayyyyy ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUICHING!! you've always been such a joy in my life. and that's what i like about you; so cheery.and now, you're seventeen! we shall meet up again and do 17 things that you like aye? -smile congrats for your promos & top your school for As okay (do me proud!) have an awesome celebration & stay lovely (no 'thorns', don't bully me) yo! LOVES :D 8:30 PM ♥ but my heart is weak i want something that i don't have to change in the future. 5:54 PM ♥ Saturday, November 08, 2008
7th Nov '08:give me a C, give me a H celebrated my lovely Hui Ching's birthday at Edwin's place (: ![]() we blindfold HuiChing for her surprises. and so we led her to a grass patch where candles spell out 'happy b'day' (looks distorted aye? lol) ![]() ![]() ![]() went back & she was given.. ![]() her cake! (: -merilyn looks more excited than the b'day girl huh ![]() SUPERHEROES!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() after everything.. comes the most exciting part... the Nintendo Wii!!!!!!! ![]() (so 'concentrated') (: goodness, it's so fun can & super tiring. my arms ache like nuts from all the shaking. haha anyhow, it was simply awesome. & Edwin borrowed two more consoles just for today (: (i feel like going back soon to play the wii AGAIN! :D) Labels: and it makes HUICHING 8:45 PM ♥ |