1. Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name.
Celibracy. don't ask me why, it just comes to me lol
2. Who are you missing right now?
you (:
3. Your ex shows up randomly at your house , what do you say?
hey! what brought you here? happy 2009 btw!
4. How many bedrooms are in your house?
5. Is there a reason for your profile song?
i don't have one
6. Do you hate the last girl you were talking to?
NO! even though i call her bitch. well, she calls me that too hah (Yvonne)
7. Who was your last text message from?
8. What time did you wake up this morning?
7.15am, then i re-woke up at 7.30am
9. If someone liked you right now , would you want them to tell you?
why not?
10. Did you mean it when you said "i love you" last?
11. Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single?
case by case
12. What is wrong with you now?
my elbow itches
13. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
hopefully, i would want it to be earlier than that though
14. Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad?
no way lol
15. Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"?
16. Do you use T9 , word or abc?
t9. (
17. Do you tell your mum everything?
not really heh
18. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
urhh J.C? in church
19. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
YES! just! to Madeline
20.Who can you trust?
me and whoever seems nice
Quiz 2. 1. Besides Your Lips, Where Is Your Favourite Spot To Get Kissed?
2. How Did You Feel When You Woke Up This Morning?
shucks. Dad's in the bathroom, i've got to wait. might be late for school.
3. Who Was The Last Person You Took A Picture Of?
Adrina! when we were having our Frolick
4. Would You Consider Yourself To Be Spoiled?
don't think so
5. Would You Ever Donate Blood?
YES!! but well, didn't have the chance to.
6. Have You Ever Had A Best Friend Who Was Of The Opposite Sex?
7. Do You Want Someone Dead?
HAH no way
8. What Does Your Last Text Message Says?
alright (:9. What Are You Thinking Right Now?
about this question. seriously.
10. Do You Wish Someone Was With You Right Now?
if it's
anyone, i don't think so. i'm in class hah
11. What Time Did You Go To Sleep Last Night?
2 plus
12. Where Did You Buy The Shirt You're Wearing Now?
at far east
13. Is Someone On Your Mind Right Now?
Adrina. she's so cute when doing this quiz hah
14. Who Was The Last Person To Text You?
Hui Ching
The 9 people you just tagged:
1. Madeline
2. Merilyn
3. Anzoe
4. Gui Sheng
5. Maira
6. Haniza
7. Wen Kai
8. Jek
9. Sisca
15.Who Is The Number 2 Having A Relationship With?
Eugene tan
16. Is 3 A Male Or A Female?
a female
17. What Is Number 1 Studying About?
same course as me? my classtie!
18. When Was The Last Time You Had A Chat With Them?
you mean the all of them?
19.Is Number 4 Single?
NOPE happily in love with S.L.
20.Say Something About Number 2.
21. What Do You Think About Number 3 And 6 Being Together?
hah no
22. Describe Number 9.
i love her.
23. What Will You Do If Number 6 And 7 Fights?
don't think they'll get a chance. they don't know each other hah
Quiz 3. 1. What’s your nickname?
les? hah
2. How old are you?
3. When’s your birthday?
9 Oct
4. What’s your special skill?
5. What’s your horoscope?
6. Who pass this survey to you?
i 'kope' from Adrina
7. She’s your….?
8. What you wanna say to him/her?
hey baby!
9. What you think about him/her?
great girlfriend
10. When you know him/her?
since Sec 1
11. How’s her attitude?
super loving and just treats me real nicely
12.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
13. If one day , your lover tell you that he/she loves you too , how will you do ?
hah i'll say 'omg'
14. Are you well-being now?
haha guess so
15. Why God give you courage?
cause He wanted us to fight fear
16. Who’s the people that you like?
a whole lot of them!
17.Which colour do you like the most?
red & grayish-navy-blue.
18. God give you 4 wishes:
1st: to stay in communion with Him
2nd: to be a really nice friend/Earthling here
3rd; great communication skills
4nd: another 3572 wishes just like this. and the answers to the subsequent wishes will be the same as my 4th one.
19. Do you like to smile and laugh ?
i'm still bored. reallyyyyyy bored.
9:33 AM ♥