I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool.
I like smiles too (:
she. seventeen. I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool. I like smiles too (: |
Saturday, February 28, 2009
it's v addictive! took a break from G.G. and watched the latest episode on Heroes (: but i'm going back, catching another episode before bed! tah tah
so sally can wait 4:33 AM ♥ YES WAY! 1:45 AM ♥ nothing's broken 12:41 AM ♥ Friday, February 27, 2009
i took 6 hours to complete my cellgroup's new blogskin. it's VERY LONG can! my back is aching like nuts. but very satisfied with it (:go to bed! VIEW IT 5:58 AM ♥ Thursday, February 26, 2009
finished watching 3 episodes of G.G. and my back is breaking from sitting at my chair for too long. my butt and feet are getting numb as well hahaxoxo off to bed; get some beauty sleep please (: 3:34 AM ♥ rainbowness! i saw a humongous rainbow in the sky yesterday! it was so huge that it stretched from Bukit Gombak to Hougang! did you see it? it was really pretty (: P.S. actually i saw another rainbow above this streak, it was very faint. if not, i would have taken a photo (wasted) 12:19 AM ♥ Wednesday, February 25, 2009
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!rock on! 25th Feb '09 Madd & I wanted to Frolick @ Holland V, but it was drizzling by the time we reached, so we ended up with half of the class at Bukit Gombak and settled at a malay stall (: he had a nasi ayam, mee soto & milo dinosaur cann... oh and Darren had nasi bryani & a burger. their appetite are just BIG & this is US! HAPPY DBA14 yea? :D 11:50 PM ♥ we will treat you -slow run 11:44 PM ♥ ladies never lose control last paper, chill baby! 2:36 AM ♥ no competition my brain seems like it's really overloaded. i though S.S. was bad, but this FOM is more deadly. there are what seems like endless points to remember. i need a break! 1:28 AM ♥ Tuesday, February 24, 2009
i'm loading Heroes episode 17 (from 6.50pm?) and it's only 9 and a half mins done! >:/break it I WANT TO WATCH!! 10:28 PM ♥ always looking up and my foolscap is going botak! seriously! after all my 4 papers, it is balding really badly. 1:55 AM ♥ Monday, February 23, 2009
have you start making plans for your future? like what do you want to be? if you were to ask me 15 years ago, i'd probably tell you that i would want to be a teacher. but not now. i want to be a financial banker. which means a lot of hard work. i want to be someone whom i'll enjoy. anything that pleases you, you're fine with that!don't stop! so what y'waiting for!? pen down, and circle the potentials and cross out the no-ways! P.S. chill baby! 11:08 PM ♥ don't complain! Christians are supposed not merely to endure change, nor even to profit by it, but to cause it. - Harry Emerson Fosdick
10:59 PM ♥ please buy this hokay? 21 Nov '09 well, there was problem uploading photos yesterday :/ so here were the things that happen yo! we were suppose to bless a person from cellgroup, and my 'mortal' was Merilyn (: then cabbed to Tampines Mall to catch a movie with the BGM - He's Just Not That Into You. not a too bad movie to catch, worth watching (: and there are tons of other movies i would want to watch after exams pleaseeee! alrighty, i'm off to studying. it's a need to. and SHAMS is trying his very best to make me stay in facebook. 'no use, boy!' HA 12:00 AM ♥ Sunday, February 22, 2009
my stomach is feeling rather empty. other than the double cheeseburger and distilled water, i've got nothing else for dinner. well, go to sleep and think of nothing!
can you read my mind? 4:08 AM ♥ i mean, seriously serious -cross fingers & hope that tmr will be a fruitful day of revision 3:51 AM ♥ Saturday, February 21, 2009
only one good thing i wrote a word 'downsizing' and realised that my eyes are weighing down. guess i can only do my revision tmr morning :/ gnight xoxo
3:03 AM ♥ last paper on wed! MARKETING! MUG NOW, CELES! REMEMBER YOUR FOM! 2:13 AM ♥ i'm lovin' it! 20 Feb 2009 1:51 AM ♥ Friday, February 20, 2009
Knock Knockhear that call? Who's there? Alex Alex who? Alexplain later, now let me in. Labels: get the door 1:38 AM ♥ Thursday, February 19, 2009
i'm so excited for tomorrow's Emerge!! :Dchances? meanwhile, i need to go studyyy 11:25 PM ♥ save the cheerleader, save the world! 3:13 AM ♥ stop that fella there FINALLY i got my new mouse! (: the plus thing abt it is the winding up of wires, i'm lovin' it! 1:52 AM ♥ Wednesday, February 18, 2009
i knew that something miraculous happened in the examination room, just now. it was something that i've never felt before.
uh huh! 4:09 PM ♥ Tuesday, February 17, 2009
i so need a break. after all the accounting questions, my mind seems like it's dying.how about neopets? heh
3:28 PM ♥ told ya she looks like she's smuggling a Volkswagon (laughs)
12:55 PM ♥ love is lovin' you 12:32 AM ♥ Monday, February 16, 2009
ECONS OVER!awesomeness it was very managable, but i lost out 6 marks just because the question said 'describe 2 possible situations that..' so i gave very creative answers HAHA and i realised that i knew the answer all along cannnnn -wasted. anyhow, the paper is fine (: 11:18 PM ♥ forget the world i think i need a good night rest. let go & let God. there's gonna be something special for me, S.P.E.C.I.A.L! (: 3:31 AM ♥ Sunday, February 15, 2009
i've got peace okay & thanks Daryl & Bryan for the prayers! Labels: it surpasses all understanding 10:53 PM ♥ love remains the same current: mug, mug, mugging 10:38 PM ♥ stranger than fiction i miss you awfully. will you come home soon? 1:02 AM ♥ Friday, February 13, 2009
two papers down! and 4 major ones left (: can't wait for all these exams to finish & tadah! my holis are hereeee! PTL PTL PTL!
ten, fifty-eight 10:57 PM ♥ sounds good! a week of morning PM passed by so quickly. i'm so refreshed & charged up after all the prayers. i love God more now! -grins 10:52 PM ♥ Thursday, February 12, 2009
last day of morning PM, so excited for it!behind the curb & i kind of have a lot of things to do: study PACC study Stats study FOM prepare for FA essay tomorrow i hope i'll survive. 11:47 PM ♥ Wednesday, February 11, 2009
oh yay! i'm done with Econs & finishing PACC! (: then.. all that are left are Stats & FOM and all the revision papers. can't wait for exams to be overchange my whole life anw, my threadless shirts arrived yesterday! woophy 11:02 PM ♥ Tuesday, February 10, 2009
back from morning PM and i'm all ready to study!
together 10:09 AM ♥ Grammy's The Red Carpet, The Flashes, The Interviews, The Screams, The Waves, The Fashion, The Crowd, The Celebs, The Awards, The Performances; The Magnificent 51st 12:43 AM ♥ Monday, February 09, 2009
i'm kind of pissed at myself for not being on track with my schedule. i've planned my study week wisely, but i just can't discipline myself to stick to it. this is the first time that it's getting SO out of control. i'm just pissed.i don't want to fail! guess, the only thing is to do is to push myself to really REALLY study! 10:46 PM ♥ 5:01 PM ♥ Sunday, February 08, 2009
i just realised that my study-plan is rather screwed up. I was suppose to finish reading my lecture notes on Sat. but i'm too tired to stay awake! and i'm starting to worry that i wouldn't have sufficient time to complete my revision. SHUCKS! i'm so going to mug in the day, later!
turn into the avenue 3:16 AM ♥ Shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I'll trust" -Psalm 91:1-2
3:07 AM ♥ treat your girl right yo! 2:06 AM ♥ sad stuff i'm hungry! but can't bite :( 2:02 AM ♥ Saturday, February 07, 2009
i can't take it anymore. my brain is dead, my fingers are tired from writing, my body is slouching way too bad for me to see at eye level, my eyes close every 5 secs. it's a sign: go to bed.comfy mafy gnight (; 3:14 AM ♥ Dr. Boey is very nice! it's BLACK now :D 3:00 AM ♥ Friday, February 06, 2009
I aim to:T.O.D. - read finish all Econs lecture notes - try to finish copying until lecture 19 by 4am? & hopefully to reward myself by watching Heroes s03e14!! 11:48 PM ♥ don't wanna feel 12:04 AM ♥ Thursday, February 05, 2009
i know i'm not perfect but play your part!
responsible 6:06 PM ♥ Wednesday, February 04, 2009
the last ppt of the year, with my fellow mates. and it ended off really well.que sera sera fun/informal, loves 11:14 PM ♥ so, WATCH IT!! -Benjamin Franklin Labels: and i appreciate that 12:15 AM ♥ Tuesday, February 03, 2009
i need a to know the most effective therapy for bad, bad backaches! NOW.
:( 1:11 AM ♥ Monday, February 02, 2009
absurd i just love how the colours of these balloons fall in place. i'm in love balloons. i'll be extremely glad if i receive a bunch on my b'day (: but i hate it when they burst. 3:43 AM ♥ rehab 1:33 AM ♥ Sunday, February 01, 2009
(: i'm sleeping!it's not guilty finally! after 3 hours of MS Frontpage, i get to rest my poor tired eyes & aching shoulders/back 4:36 AM ♥ |