SMART CAMP16 - 17 June '09SMART - Student Mentor... [i kind of forgot, it's too complicated HA]
anyhow, it simply means that we are ambassadors of School of Biz, those that will go to Secondary schools & hold open-house (:
the camp was more of like a workshop. we had lectures on things like Personality Profiling, Image and Etiquette & The Art of Conversation. but of course, we had games! and my group
won gloriously!
one of the lectures: Image & Etiquette
i was super bored/tired, wanted to doze off. but the table in the LT was too low to rest my head. i suppose i'll end up having a stiff neck after a nap heh
Halimah & Pei Ming
oh and did i tell you what was my group name?!
SEAHORSEit began with this 2 truth, 1 lie game and i lied about being allergic to seahorse haha
there, the
12:52 AM ♥