Yo momma so fat, God couldn't light Earth till she moved!woooohhh.. LOL XD
wah.. i went to this chemistry thing in school conducted by NUS and saw quite a lot of cool things lol firstly, there was liquified nitrogen and the lecturer showed us how that nitrogen freezes a flower and the petals broke off like glass after submerging into the liquid. there was also the demonstration of 'corroding' styrofoam cups - literally corrode. lol and this..

can you see the pink colour thing, it looks like a jelly inside water lol okay.. i feel so shua gu can haha (i think when i post all these, you guys might not even understand haha)
we went to play pool after that and i was rejected!!! ahhh... lol the previous times, i was allowed but today, no >=/ so i had to wait for them.. meow! haha and we are suppose to fast today, so we had very limited place to go, plus we were kindda broke. so Adrina and i simply stone at every area that we could find. haha we are the stoning queens okay! lol we were so hungry that we started to plan what to eat after we break fast.. but, when we broke fast, there were so many things to choose that we simply don't know what to eat. and we ended up going to somewhere where we didn't thought of it previously -.o haha today was simply
BORING! i've got so much time to spare but there was nothing for me to do lol
and Leslie... i know your little little secret!!! muhahahahaha XD
10:09 AM ♥