14th Mar '08:
i was suppose to go for blood donation @ Siglap today! but the thing is that when i told my parents about it, they said NO! like... what? lol i'm doing charity and they are stopping me! blah man! so, i just accompanied Addy & Wenkai to Siglap CC for the donation. but in the end, both of them also didn't donate blood haha! because Wenkai realised that he needed a parental consent form and Addy's blood is lack in iron! lol so it wasn't exactly a fruitful day..
then we bus-ed down to Bedok for dinner and left Bedok at 6.50pm! LOL we were like suppose to reach JW church @ 7.30pm for prayer meeting; we were super late man! haha and i was supposed to reach at like 6pm for ushering lol but anws, we reached at like 8pm. served for awhile and joined my Merilyn for prayer, we were like the only people from our cellgroup there luh! haha
and the prayer meeting was
AWESOME can! especially the last 45mins! we just worshiped God and connect to Him; spirit to spirit. my spiritual life is kind of down and this really helped me and encouraged me a lot! it was super refreshing! now, i'm so stirred on the inside to want to seek God even more! :D
the prayer meeting ended at like 11plus and when we reached Boon Lay MRT station, we rushed for the last train! lol the person was like counting down how long more till the train leave, it went like '1 more min' then '30 sec'! we ran like mad man! haha so, we managed to get into the train PTL! if not i think i'd have to take a cab home from there and it's going to cost a bomb! haha
crapped, joked and played on the train.. and when we reached Outram Park, they said the last train to Punggol has left! BLAH! so we had to go to Paya Lebar to catch a bus to Serangoon! and it's already like 12.30am alr! my brother texted me and said that Daddy was very furious [cause i was expected to be home by 12am] so, i took a cab home when i reach Serangoon
vour-la! and here i am! using my raepo; so happy! (:
5:21 PM ♥