woots! i have so much to blog about man!!
went to Hooper's place yesterday to celebrate Gwen's birthday!!! so so so so fun can! haha Rainft and i reached his place at about 11pm and i finished her birthday card! and finally.. the princess and her prince reached at 12plus! and so the fun began!!! (:
they got Gwen to do some stuff downstairs and then came up to his place, blindfolded to look for her present haha! she had to go around and guess who we are and
her tactic is to check for bra-straps! LOL! and she touched Rainft and didn't feel any thing! haha
then we sat around and chilled and crapped. and Rainft is like the only one talking lol we also played some games like the 'indian-poker' but not with the numbers. but writing famous people's name on a paper, shuffled and distribute it. then we will have to put the paper on our foreheads and guess that name by asking questions about the person or thing [cartoons for some] LOL! funny funny! (: (:
we also played
BINGO! loves! (;
i've so much fun but i don't know what else to post about LOL! but i just had an awesome time there! :D
3:16 PM ♥