woots! went for service today! Fay'er and Ah Qing are simply
AWESOME luh! they sing super-duper-ly well and plus they are
SERVING GOD WHOLE-HEARTEDLY!! woah! it's so heart-warming to see Christians artists shining in the entertainment world for Jesus! hallelujah man! ;D
and i was super impacted by what Ah-Qing said on the Sat service, he said something like.. juggling both career and church is really tiring for him. but he realised that even though his schedule may be ultra packed with discipleship, out-reaching and services, all the way from Monday to Sunday, but at the end of the day, he will reap so much joy in the Lord that it could simply overwhelm his weariness! so after all, working so hard for the Lord indeed is
GOOD!! amen to that man! now i'm so stirred to focus on the joy that's coming my way, when i serve the Lord, rather than on my weariness! :D :D
and...... 3 friends came for service today! yay! haha :D hope that they are blessed like how i am blessed man! (:
so after service, we bus-ed down to Tampines Mall and lunched at Pastamania! :D yummy-licious! and we walked around and i bought two ear studs........ guess how much it cost, $3.50 for two studs! mind you not two pairs but two pathetic small ones! BLAH man! lol anws, on our way to TM we saw this guy...

what's this kind of people called ah? anyone knows? :/ lol but they are super cool luh, no need to blink eye one ah? HAHA
then Mer and i went over to Wayne's place to practice on our singing for the up-coming talentime (: and Wayne helped us to do some recordings! it was super super fun can! (: (: so we had to take turns, esther then mer then me! haha so meanwhile, we played with his soft toys! lol

haha that's Wayne's pig that he use to sleep on and that snake is from Australia! (:

this is super super uper ultra dumb luh! haha!

she did a much better job than me lol

and his room is very cozy! haha


it's esther's turn! concentrated

now it's Mer's! concentrated

alright.. it's my turn now! lol i think i'm the one that's not concentrating! haha but don't see me smile smile ah, it's difficult to just hit the right notes and control your breathing man! lol

and thanks to Wayne's parents, we ordered PIZZA HUT for dinner! :D :D
yay! a fruitful day man! learn so many things! i'm like super tired, but not in bed yet haha! 4 more hours and i'd be awake for 24hours LOL!
P.S. finally got the right name of the person who has the ability to throw his or her voice - Ventriloquist! :D :D
6:57 PM ♥