woots! we had the talentime audition today!! so fun man! get to see so many teams' display! :D :D and congrats to all who get through the audition, especially Kevin ah! lol both of his band and his brother's one got in! yay!! PTL man!!

and i must say!!!
MOXI'S VOICE IS SUPER DUPER ULTRA HOT HOT HOT!!! oh my gosh! when she sang!! wooo~ blown away man!! Moxi you rock! ;D
but sadly.. some of us didn't got through! like mine.... but nevermind! it was the fun of it right! :D
this portion is dedicated to GuiSheng!!don't be so sad okay!don't emo luh!smile monster, smile smile!! (: (:if not, you will be like.....an old marble monster yong!!
see luh.. emo some more! more wrinkles! loland yay! i just made a new friend - Elene! and your voice is nice okay! Celes says so! and i bet Kevin says so too! loves (: (: and for the your sake, i posted my photo so that you'll know who am i! lol
4:09 PM ♥