19th Mar 2008:

yay! finally! we had a some-what class gathering today lol first, we were suppose to meet at Hougang Plaza @ 2.30pm for pool, but the thing is that it rained!! like cats and dogs and rhinoceroses, whales, seals, lions whatever luh! then we dragged till like 3.30pm lol so we went in and played pool for an hour and i won both rounds can!! haha! and i almost win Paul, just by one black ball! rawr haha (;
then we splited, Sophia and Merilyn and YuanTing and i went to K-Box!! yayness man! haha sing sing sing!!! lalalala~ so happy luh! went mad inside; we danced and woah! lol



my mouth haha(:

the superstar!

our food and drinks! the nuggets are yummy (;
then we proceeded to Suki Sushi for dinner haha that's when Oliver, Paul, Cai Xin and Nicholas came over and join us! there was dinner buffet so we ate a lot!! really a lot! haha

i poked her dimples!

my pre-tay petite lady (:



the sashimis!! [from top, clockwise: Sake(salmon) Sashimi, Maguro(tuna) Sashimi, Ni Hotate(scallop) Sashimi & Amaebi(shrimp) Sashimi] the scallop is the best can!! yummy! (:

and this is butter scallop with cheese (:

HuiChing thought that this is an octopus haha! cute ah
loved today! haha hanged out with the rest till like 11plus; crapped and joked and stuff! (:
and i'm meeting Paul and Oliver tmr @ 5pm, at Heeren tmr! yay! it's their first day at work! and i'm going over to see and buy some stuff (;
6:23 PM ♥