had fun today man!! lol woke up at like.. 1.30pm? and prepared to go out to meet Addy and Hwee for lunch (: so we ended up in Kovan's Pizza Hut, we stayed there for like 2hours; crapped, chatted and played games! we played indian paper and the a-to-z game haha
after that, we wanted to go to the IKEA at Tampines, so we train-ed down to SengKang cause there was a shuttle bus to IKEA, but we waited for like 30mins and there is no bus. so finally we realised that it was actaully for weekends only! haha so we went to Compass Point and walked around. entered so many stores to see-see-look-look lol we went to the arcade as well haha
walked around and left that place at around 8pm (:
had fun today eh! at least i didn't stay home and rot LOL
1:55 PM ♥