service was as good as before! haha actually i was supposed to serve for the 12.30pm one but i went off to fellowship with the rest at Bedok (: so we ate, crapped and some of us went back to Expo for the book fair. and we saw these bunch of kids...

and plus some domestic helpers [a.k.a. maids lol] haha watching High 5! i wonder what i was doing when i'm at their age lol they were so cute luh! sitting on the overturned basket and watching intently (:
but Merilyn and i were bored by those books and we went out, got a drink, sat down and played games haha! we played the name-one-thing-that-starts-with-the-letter-'a'-then-slowly-to-'z' haha we had different genres like... animals, apparels' names, countries and food haha! fun man! and the only 'Z' country that we found was like.. zurich! haha coolios! :D
then yuanting came over to my house area to trim her brows. and there was this lil boy inside the place..

he's so cute luh! he is 5 yrs old and one of his chinese name's character is my surname (: he knows how to offer sweet to the customer and giggles alot haha
and vour-la! now i'm back at home (:
8:31 AM ♥