3rd April '08:once again.. i didn't manage to get much sleep! RAWR! *frowns* i need my beauty sleep badly man! at least 8 hours! lol i only got like 4 hours of sleep because i had to bring my poor sister to the doctor; she was running a temperature and had a flu, so she was sent home from school. then i brought her down, expecting to return home in 30mins, but i was wrong........
when we reached the clinic, we had to wait for 3 people cause we missed our turn. and when it was our turn, we entered, then the doctor started asking questions like what happened and stuff. in less than 3mins after we entered, the doctor spotted a centipede. so he spent 10 mins clearing all the things on his table, just to look for that centipede, killed it with this hammer-thing that is used for checking the knee, sanitized his whole table with alcohol and shifted his stuff back.. then he went back to my sis! -.o crap luh! wasted our time and plus my sis is feeling so horrible, can't wait to go home and rest, and that doctor was doing all these stuff! blah!
and when i reached home, my mom told me that the nurse forgot to put the fever medicine into the bag! so she went down to the clinic and scolded the nurse and the doctor like crap HAHA! it was the nurse fault luh! it was written to prescribe the medicine to my sis and she didn't put it into the bag! and she still have the cheek to say that the clinic was busy in the morning, there's too many things to do, blah blah blah.. but the fact is that my sis and i saw her flirting around with this construction worker luh!! and the nurse also exclaimed 'you should have got your daughter to check what' , my mom scolded her even more! like.. 'my daughter is sick, so you expected her to check when she's so drowsy and weak!?!?!?' LOL!
you go, mom!
anws, went out with my campmates to Cineleisure to catch a movie - untraceable. please don't watch the show! i think it's like.. BLAH! it was all about how this cyber killer torture people and he posted the live video online! disgusting can! haha but if you're those who are very psychotic one, this movie is for you man LOL *grins*
3:38 PM ♥