(: first day of school! and it was awesome aye! haha we had two lectures today - Economics and POA [Principle of Accounting] but there was a 3 hour break in between the lectures, so my class went to play pool @ Moberly [some student-relax-hub in SP]. oh! and i tagged with Luchella and played against Andy and Ronald, guess what!??!!? we won!! :D -high five with Luchella! haha the POA lecture was in the afternoon, and quite a handful of people doze off. but i didn't! miraculously eh! LOL i was so paying attention can! i think because i was enjoying the candies all the way so i wasn't sleepy (; and i found out that my class people are like... when you want to have fun, let's go CRAZAY! but when it comes to studies, we get down to serious business haha
you guys just rock my life luh! LOVES DBA/FT/1A/14 (:
2:34 PM ♥