today's the second day of school. for some reason, the hyper people - Luchella, Celes & Ken are kind of dead today HAHA we were super tired luh lol anws, we received a project already! it's due in two and a half weeks time! it's only our second day luh! and there! our project -.o haha
oh well, headed for Bugis [again, this is my second consecutive day going there already lol] after school to shop with Morgan! :D but even before we did much shopping, we went to eat! haha we dined at Hip Diner by Billy Bombers and i ate meat [beef] loaf (: goody aye! and we had a puff-cum-cream-of-mushroom soup each! :D and off we went, to shop! we walked until our legs and back were aching like mad. and in the end, i got myself a dress and i didn't manage to buy my shoes, cause i can't find any nice ones within my budget HAHA but i saw one that i really want! it's from Everlast (:
2:15 AM ♥