for one..
i'd love to rejoice with you! when you get to converse, i know how you feel. it's as if your whole world is fading away! i want to smile and hop around with you!
for the other..
i want you to know that you still have me! i'll always be there for you (; don't allow anything to make you sad, promise? i don't want to see any frowns on your dear face! smile my darling! it's such a pity that he has stamps all over his eyes that blinded him from seeing such a pretty young lady :D:D
but i'm caught in between.. to say? or not to say? to rejoice? or to sit down and comfort? i want the best for both of you! you guys are my love! but how? how can i come to a great big full-stop, where both are happy?
Labels: stupid _______
4:40 PM ♥