I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool.
I like smiles too (:
she. seventeen. I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool. I like smiles too (: |
Saturday, June 23, 2007
meow!!! we had our cellgroup's BBQ on 21st June!! haha it was super duper uper good can haha we had a mini cellgroup in the afternoon and there were games! yay haha we played the 'step-newspaper' game haha you're suppose to think of ways to keep your team to step on the newspaper, the newspaper will become smaller and smaller as the stages go by. this is some of our strategy.. lolBryan piggyback WenKai and carried Eugene and YiJie at the same time, pro man! but look at the feet - like got problem one eh. haha then we had squirrel and hunter and WACKO!! haha that was the most fun! this is when you see all the funny funny reactions! haha and the forfeit was to do the gatsby face thing haha - i shot the vedio, post next time lol then we had BBQ!! was super HOT luh! the weather is so hot and everyone was like melting.. lol and we can set up a BBQ Minsitry man! lol for the whole day, the main people who was bbqing were Esther and JiaYong - thanks guys! lol you see the charcoal on the bricks haha he was trying to line them up -.o haha but he can be the leader of our BBQ ministry haha then the rest...
look at JiaYong haha meow!! see me! Ms beehoon cum hotdog cum crabstick lol we played blind mice and ice and freeze aye! haha was super fun luh! (: we are so exhausted but still.. smile man!! there's N349! haha yay!!! can't wait for the next outing man!! haha thanks to everyone who came!! (: 6:27 PM ♥ |