when's the last time
i'm online man..
haha it's been super duper busy for me nowadays
luh.. and in about 1 month time.. it's the PRELIMS already!!
ahhh.. and
i'm like still trying to revise so many topics
lol nevermind i know i can do it!!
hahaalright.. let's see what has been happening (:
Saturday, 14 July 2007 -
i didn't go for the
CIP thing and instead i went for the
cellgroup outing. we wanted to go to Minds Cafe but it wouldn't be open until 2pm - too late. so we went to Marina Square instead, we went to bowl. but the thing is that.. i played like 3 rounds and this is what i got...
do you see a groove in my nail
haha my nail chipped off!! so sad
luh, then i had to stop, cause it was painful =/ but it's alright now already, it's growing back
haha so we went for service and guess what!!!
I'm healed in the back, Hallelujah!! haha i was super duper
uper happy can
haha and i'll continue to pray for those who needs healing as well as for my own condition to maintain and not worsen again (:
P.S. any prayer requests? look for Miss Celestine Leow (:then when i was going home, i took out the ring that i had been wearing for the day and this was what i saw...
see the bluish-greenish part. lol i was totally freaked out can. the ring wasn't tight or anything luh.. and it took like about 10 hours for my skin to return back to it's normal colour haha
Sunday, 15 July 2007 -
went to service in the morning, but left Expo at about 1 plus cause i need to rush home to complete my assignments.. it's piling up like so high? haha
Monday, 16 July 2007 -
yay!! went to watch harry Potter and the Order of the
haha to me quite nice
leh.. i think it's
because i didn't read the book so i wouldn't realise that they cut off
a lot of parts, so
i'm not that disappointed (:
Tuesday to Wednesday -
nothing much happen actually.. it's just going to school and going home after school straight hoping to study but in the end, i end up in bed - sleeping!
hahaThursday, 19 July 2007 -went to PeiCai Sec for dental appointment because this ulcer in my mouth has been bugging me for the past 3 days. i'm suffering!! help!! haha but in the end, the dentist could do nothing much about it and she asked me to drink lots of water and DON'T BE TOO STRESS!! haha went for tuition at night and we watched parts of the movie 'fun with Dick and Jane' nice eh.. haha (:
3:05 PM ♥