i was posting about 30th of June-
today got cellgroup meeting! was fun man! haha we played the animals game! haha and today's word really come in the right time, was about putting God first. is like nowadays, i've got so many scool things to handle that I've got no time for Him but I was like reminded today that 'seek His Kingdom first and all His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you' yeap (: so i'll go back to my prayers, bible-reading, fasting etc and especially, reaching out to the lost! it's like the last year in Bowen for most of the Bowenians in my cellgroup, so we hope to see a revival in Bowen before we leave! AMEN! haha so let's get prayed up and reach out to the people around us yea :DD
I open my life to You
Lord I want to be pure
Jesus You're breathe to my soul
You know what I think, what I feel
Jesus I adore You
To you My Saviour I will sing
You know me through and through
You're the closest to my heart that
One could be
And Jesus I adore You
I love you with
The Deepest of my soul
I rest inside Your arms
And I trust You to lead me on (:
1:32 AM ♥