I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool.
I like smiles too (:
she. seventeen. I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool. I like smiles too (: |
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
wah.. today was a tiring day man but got alot of things to post about haha first thing.. i had to go on stage today to be recognised for some stuff luh.. it was the 'monitor-monitress recognition day' so dumb can.. haha i thought go stage take what.. then it's actually go take a badge -.o and they say i must wear that everyday, what the.. haha - talk to the authority, Cai Xin hahathen today's lessons were like so boring can.. almost can sleep in every class. but we went to hall for CME (: then there's this performance by Carpenter's Tools International from the States they're nice peeps man haha i think all of them are Christians and they go around school and play music for free luh haha but they'll be having a concert on 14th July, 3-5pm, at City Hall area. i wanna go luh.. but i've got service haha nevermind, at least i've got their photos (: ![]() ![]() ![]() and this girl reminds me of Coco Lee (: ![]() psss.. Ying actually blushed haha :p
so after the performance, some of us went to the Cabada lounge and had refrehments with them. lol they were so nice luh.. haha then after they left, Jeremy, Chels, Wei Lin and I *cope* all the food haha got Nasi Lemak seh.. not bad, quite nice haha we took honeydew also LOL we were like hungry ghosts can.. haha and there's Geog test tmr luh, i didn't know loh.. cause last geog lesson, i was busy drawing Patrick (Spongebob's bestie) in class and didn't know haha so i think can fail. but Mer say if fail, must copy alot of pages haha and I've got like million of things to do luh!! ahhh.. can give me more time!! tmr's chinese oral already.. scared-ed seh.. haha so must speak chinese for the whole day tmr haha God help me!!! (: I was browsing my stuff the other day and came across this..
and guess who's this.. lol and i think this is the only photo that i think he look quite funny in it..
pss.. refer to his friendster acct for the real pic XD 2:58 PM ♥ |