I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool.
I like smiles too (:
she. seventeen. I think that unicorns and jelly beans are lovely. & that keeping creepy crawlies as a pet is not cool. I like smiles too (: |
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
show you guys something (:![]() yes! i cut my precious hair haha (: so excited about it! but..... i'm starting to miss my long hair!!! ahhh... haha but at least it's something new, so not that bad haha life has been so packed &busy &stress &tiring &exhausting &tedious &whatever haha Os are drawing nearer and nearer. English O levels Oral is next week already, so worried man! Practicals are coming also =/ and i haven't been able to do my own revision much! ahh... but i'm like still online haha must relieve stress mah!! yay!! 2 more days and it's Singapore's Birthday!! haha wondering whether shd i go to school tmr not.. haha but i think i'm going luh.. go and slack around with my buddies (: and this was what happen on the 4th August '07, after lunch, some of us went to NTUC Xtra at Hougang Point to walk walk see see and look at YuanTing and Celes haha
and there goes my crazy buddy haha
okay luh.. the O level stress is turning us into crazy people man!! haha this is one good example..
12:16 PM ♥ |