25th Mar 2008:
had loads of fun today! seriously! haha
dined at Suki Sushi today with Morgan & Hwee (: oh well, the food there wasn't as good as the first time i tried lol then we walked all the way to far east.. on the way, we stopped at the Paragon's Toys 'R' Us! played around and we each got this whistle sweet from Chupa Chups - very nice and fun luh, and it's only 90cents for one! (;
then we walked to Tangs to get my Mac foundation, and this time, i'm not going to let anyone distroy or crush or crack my foundation man! it's such a heart ache to see the cover crack luh! BLAH! lol then finally, we reached far east lol
we were hunting high and low for this shop and when we finally found it, we realised that it was closed! >:/ lol then we just walked and shopped around.. and Hwee left us to go find his cellgroup
then Morgan and i cab-ed down to Cineleisure to catch a movie - Semi Pro! (: haha not bad luh but i kind of fell asleep inside the theaters, i think i was super tired and the seat was simply too comfy! [it's my first time sleeping in a cinema lol]
and i finally got to see a Bentley today! i was arguing with Morgan that it was a Chrysler, but it turned out to be a Bentley lol but i'm still happy :D
4:26 PM ♥