today's a happy day! (: cause i got the screen guard and a bag for my lappie! *jumping around* so met Addy at Hougang Mall @ 3plus and we went around hunting for bags that are fitting for my raepo; some were to huge and others were to tiny haha! very difficult to find aye. so finally, we ended up in popular and got this black one that costed $17 lol goody! cheap aye (;
then we slacked around at Mac, used my lappie to take photos! :D

that lil' thing (;

i burnt my cheek =/

her beauty mark - mole-y!!

this was random haha!

one eyed monster!!

my loves!

Addy's oreo teeth :D
was feeling kind of 'bare' when we took all these photos, cause we were sitting at the couch which was super close to the escalator [there's only a piece of transparent glass separating us and the escalator]. so basically those people who were going down, would look in and see the pictues lol BUT it's alright.. as long as we are having fun, nothing matters, right Addy? (:
2:51 PM ♥