hmms.. I've been going out
alot these 2 days and i'm so exhusted luh but i'm like still online at this time haha
th August:
today's the eve of National Day. i didn't want to attend school actually cause it was only like 3hours only but i was physco-ed by my friends.
lol the celebration was super cannot-make-it
luh, especially the musical drama (it was about Beethoven's life - like no link to National Day
nevermind the drama only is enough to 'lame' me
haha then we went to
Ichiban Sushi for lunch, i was super duper full after that
Celes says: "i'll eat you!!"

thank God that this 'loud
hailer' didn't scream much yesterday. if not
i'll go deaf man, just by sitting beside her haha

Sophia &
YuanTing (:

look at this!!! guess what.. this is the layer that covers the fish's eyeball.
YuanTing actually dared to eat the eyeball and spit this out!! goodness me..
today i really tried so many food that
i've never before (okay i sound stupid lol), like
the sashimi - swordfish, tuna,
yellowtail and fried salmon skin blah blah blah..
super yummy man!! hahawent home to prepared and met Johnny at
Hougang mrt with
Anzoe. took a train to
Dhoby Ghaut and met up with the rest of the
cellgroup and Nicholas and Larry. actually we wanted to got to Minds Cafe but it was full, so we went to the
Bens & Jerry at The Cathay, bought some ice-cream and walked over to
SMU to played some games, examples: the ten-cent game,
polarbear, and the place-a-card-on-your-head-with-a-forbidden-action-or-word-that-you don't-know-and-you-have-to-try-your-best-to-avoid-doing-whatever- you-think-the-card-may-say game
haha it was fun!

then we bus-ed down to the Youth Park to
makan and went to
Cineleisure for the movie -
SECRET!!!!!!!!!!! goodness me!! Jay Chou was (and is still) so
HOT luh!! he's like so sweet and nice and whatever-you-want-in-an-ideal-guy
lol i'm like melting at my seat
luh~ even though some people may think that the movie is a waste of money, i totally don't agree man!!!
haha he's so
hot HOT HOT!!! *melting* i was like '
ing' here and there wherever i see his poster on the streets or just suddenly start thinking about him
haha my
cellgroup was like.. "
Celes ahh.."
haha but don't you guys think that he's so
charming and simply
breath-taking!! lol awww... plus, he's super duper uper good with the piano!!
haha -
i'm listening to his songs now
luh XD and if he were to come for 2008 Emerge, i'm going to do whatever it takes to take a photo or whatever from him!!! lolP.S. i just realise that despite how many words i used to describe him, i still couldn't statisfy my heart!! oh my goodness, someone help me please!! i'm just simply so head-over-heels for him!!! :DD

one of the quote in the movie:
Yu asked Jay why he only played the piano with one hand, Jay replied: "because i want to hold your hand with the other"
awww.... so sweet
luh (:
P.S. actually i wanted to learn the piano since last time, and after this movie,
i'm more
motivated and
excited about learning piano!!!
lol then we went to Starbucks to chill and went to a
foodcourt to eat and took a cab home, reached home at about 12.30pm

my beloved
cellgroup - with Esther as photographer and some missing people (:
th August!! - today
woke up at 12 plus and met
Anzoe at my house the Mac to study. oh well.. we joked and laughed and lam-ed as we 'study'
haha and i kept disturbing her..
Anzoe says: this is the pair of legs that disturbed me!! - that's
Celes's XD
Anzoe's burger's chicken have the shape of the small island city-state - Singapore!! (:
then we went to Hougang mall and wanted to buy shoes, but in the end, we just got a bottle of Johnson Baby Oil haha then we reached back at my house at 7.30, bathe, changed, prepared, make-up etc ended at 8.30pm. just as we wanted to leave house for Marina Bay - to see the fireworks, i just realised that NDP just ended haha how dumb man.. when people are going home, we're going there haha nevermind, so we met Adrina on the train and went to City Hall. and we chilled at..

haha ordered drinks and waited so long for the pool table to be available. in the end, we played with some group of stranger-teenagers haha Adrina and me won the game!! three-cheers!! :DD haha then we went to Esplanade there to slack. we started to play the frog game haha after a while, we became super emo seh........... lol also don't know what happen, we started to listen to emo songs and stuff. left there at about 12.30pm and managed to catch a Merc cab and went home. super tired luh haha but it was a fun day today!!
P.S. there's actually alot of photos, but it's all with Adrina. i shall post it some other time (:
6:20 PM ♥