oh yay!! I'm back to post haha actually I didn't want to bother about my blog until after Os lol but since I'm online then.. post!! haha
it's been a super stressful stretch of months of revisions after revisions. and I'm in my Prelims season! today was A Maths paper 1 and Geography, didn't manage to finish the papers lol but at least i'm able to do haha and my stupid flu cum cough cum sore throat cum headache is killing me man!! ahhh!!! i totally lose concentration while doing my A Maths paper luh! all that i was doing is cough, sneeze and sniff lol i think the people around me are super irritated, sorry guys! haha but no choice, i couldn't press the 'off' button to stop my runny-nose what haha and tmr is E Maths paper 1, kind of relax haha so i can come online. but i'd be haing tuition later =/
and my Prelims will only end the week after September holidays! like.. what the.. lol stupid school leh.. should have made the Prelims end before September holidays luh, so at least i can play a little XD haha
my life just revolves around revisions, mugging, tuitions and homeworks!!! ahh!! i can't wait till after Os man, that's when i would just party all night long... lalalala... lol
REBECCA IS BACK IN SINGAPORE!! YAY!! i'm super duper uper fuper happy can!! woah!! haha can't wait to go out and catch up with her (: yay!! lol
that's about it.. i doubt i'd be coming online again any time soon...... =/ sad life! nevermind, it's for my future!! lol
study hard guys! :DD
P.S. there's actually some photos that i wanna post one..... stupid com so blah! lol shall post it another day, and i promise i will (:
8:36 AM ♥