today's service was awesome!! even though it's short and the sermon was simple, it really reminded me of my basics!! we've got to learn how to

it's so crucial!! because everything starts in the mind!! the Bible says 'if you can see it, you can have it'. so DREAM people, DREAM!! our God is a creative God!! He has given us a mind to dream wonderful thoughts!! (:
and the next step to let your dream come to pass is to

in God!! the Bible also says that 'everything will come to pass to those WHO BELIEVE'!! in order to believe such mind-blowing visions and dreams that God has put in you, you got to have tremendous

guys, one thing about faith is that it constantly leaks away - secretly!! so you must always

go back to your secret place and seek the face of God; ask for renewal of strength and FAITH!! (:
NEVER EVER LET ANYONE PULL YOU AWAY FROM YOUR DREAM!! NEVER!! if God has given you a dream, it will surely come to pass!!
PATIENCE is what you need!! the Bible also says that there's a season for everything; He will never be late or too early, but ON TIME!! (: so guys, let's

that God has and will continue to put in us. moreover, let's be a

to encourage others and not a dream-killer [NO NO NO!!] (:
5:45 PM ♥