oh wee!!! i cut my hair!!! haha i ultra love my hair now!! oh well, at least it's different from last time! haha :DD and i also highlighted it!! all done at Heatwave by Monsoon! haha thanks EDWARD [my hair stylist]!! super duper ultra happy with my hair (:my next few days are like super jam-packed with so many events luh..
as for tmr:
1. going to airport in the morning
2. going to Clarke Quay for some jamming stuff
3. collect my dress
4. cell group meeting (:
and this is only for one day.. there are like so tons and tons of things for me to complete for the private party, which is like in 5 days time. the cash, the games, the performances blah blah blah.. lol and i haven't exactly finish with my shopping for my own stuff =/
but nevermind, once it's over, it's time for me to ENJOY life like crazy!! haha i'm gonna look for a job and work my heads off for building fund and my trip to Thailand[can't wait]!! (:
enjoy your holidays guys~ lalalalala~
-the joyous Celes(: xoxo
3:36 PM ♥