O levels are coming.. lalalala~ haha in like 10 days time? God bless man!! haha
quite a lot of things happen.. ya.. firstly, it's MY BIRTHDAY - 9th Oct!!
didn't manage to take a lot of photos cause was busy playing and fooling around. but thanks guys for celebrating it with me, despite the Physics practical that day (:

Love is in the air!! (:

oh well, there's only one photo - my birthday cake haha
and something miraculous happened on my birthday!! haha secret!! only my buddies know (:
so happy!!
then on the 30 Sep, we went to Library @ Esplanade to study. but we ended up playing haha there were alot of exhibitions that day - done by kids less than 12 and it's spoused by Crocs (:

the angel

the devil

believe it or not, this is done by 2 kids - 11 and 9 (:

this is also done by a 9 year old and a 8 year old - pro aye? (:

this is the nicest figurine there (:

and this is my bodyguard (:

whatever... haha


my knight in well 'shining' amour haha
okay.. and last week, N349 was really colourful man haha just look at us


Singapore cum Indonesia

the bumble-bees and Melissa was suppose to be the flower haha

eat your greens!!
yeap! life is so stress yet fun!! haha
9:00 AM ♥