wee~ the private party is finally over man!! just because of this P.P., i spent so much of time and effort plus my precious brain juice to worry for things. but things didn't turned out as plan ya.. it was simply screwed!
1. the committee members are suppose to reach by 2pm at the Hotel. and also to allow the superstars to do their make-up and stuff. BUT instead of reaching early, YuanTing and i were late, and the superstar actually didn't want to do their make-up at 2pm [what the.. they think they what.. 'dua pai' ah]
2. okay.. since the schedule was screwed, i got some of the committee members to go up and prepare, and they showed me their attitude [what's the problem man?!?!?!?!?!!?]
3. fine.. finally, it was YuanTing and my turn to go and prepare, i thought this is the time where i can relax a little and take my time.. BUT my peace was disrupted by the superstars. for some reasons, why must that come to the room at such an ungodly hour, when we were doing our make-up, to prepare. and the worst thing is that, we are kind of CHASED AWAY -.o
4. i thought things would turn out fine. but at around 6pm, when we wanted to try to play the songs through Ad's laptop, her mute button spoil - it is in the mute mode and we can't change it back to the normal one. so this technical problem kept the people who were suppose to reach at 6.30pm to about 7.20pm. BLAH!
5. then it was the whole scheduling of games and performances. the games had a lot of delay luh.. because we need to transfer all the stuffs in Ad's laptop into another person's ya..
6. the audience was totally not paying attention [to the superstar performance]. everyone was walking around and hardly anyone would want to sit down and listen to Ithem using loh..) then the superstar said that the audience are not cooperatinng
7. fine.. then it was the pageant; the problem is that the nominees are not exactly enthusiastic ya..
uh-huh.. those are the problems that i encounter.
but not all bad things are happening, there are nice things as well, at least ui manage to take some photos haha (:


Chels and Celes (:

WeiLin and Celes (:

Eustace and Celes (:

Joey and Celes (:

Paul and Celes (:

YuanTing and Celes (:

Hanafi a.k.a FiFi and Celes (:

Eustace-y and Celes (:

YongKian [ah beng!] and Celes (x

Danial [with his screaming action when performing] and Celes (:

Adrina and Celes(:

CaiXin and Celes

Adam and Celes (:

who's stupid hand is that!!!! ahhh!! how can that person destroy my beautiful photo with the most charming guy; SHAWN!! =/

Yazid [The Homecoming King 2007] and Celes (:

Rachel [The Homecoming Queen 2007] and Celes (:

TADA!! and this is the band that rock our whole party - ENTER TO EXIT!!! (:
P.S. hope you guys did really enjoy yourself during the party!! :DD
so after the P.P., quite a lot of us went to plushclub for some party thing. stayed there from 1plus to 4am. super tiring man! my legs and abs are aching man. but it was my first time clubbing and i was surprised by myself that i would engage myself in the dancefloor (: it was rather fun but the only thing i don't like about it clubbing is there are a lot ah lian and this pervert [at plush]. i was dancing at this 'cage' thingy in the middle of the dancefloor and here comes a fat man squeezing into the already-packed 'cage'. i didn't know that he was a pervert until some of my guy friends pulled me away from him and stand in between the pervert and me. haha THANKS GUYS!! anws, i was totally disgusted by that pervert luh.. so bleh!
then we went out to the near-by 7-11 to slack. some of them bought Absolute Vodka to drink. so here comes this guy [Cai Xin] who is not able to hold his alcohol well. so he drank, and he got drunk!! lol this was my first time i saw someone drunk in real life, and he's my friend. lol caixin can't even walk properly luh.. he was like saying 'one more chance!! i walk for you all to see!!' so we let him and in 2 steps, he fell to the ground. and there was once he walked and collapse into the grass LOL he kept saying 'i'm okay! i can walk straight! i can even walk home!! see...' then he collapse again. haha but he was able to recognise faces ya.. in the end, some guys had to hire a cab and bring him home lol
P.S. i shall post the video of him drunk some day when i am able to get hold of it haha
Yuanting, ad and i didn't wanna go home so early, so we followed the rest of the guys back to clarke quay MRT station. but the MRT is not open yet, so we went to the riverside to sit and talk. and so we bitched about a lot of people haha talk crap, say jokes and laugh laugh laugh.. haha
then we took 147 straight to Hougang Mall's Mac for breakfast and we were all so drained of our energy that we 7 out of 8 of us fell asleep on the tables haha WE ARE SIMPLY SO TIRED!!!
i'm actually suppose to go out with YuanTing until quite late but we went home, cause we wanna sleep. haha i'm suppose to bathe and sleep now but.. i'm posting my blog haha okay luh.. i'm super tired alr, need to catch a wink (:
4:18 AM ♥