5th April '08:woke up at 10.30am.... feeling super tired luh! the lethargy was dragging me in my every steps lol super tired! but i promised Bryan & Benedict to have study group today, so i finally prepared everything and left house (:
i was 1 hour late can! lol and the guys were like on PSP before i reached haha! so when i reached, it was my turn to play the PSP while they do their revisions lol gamed Puzzle Bubbles, Bomberman, some racing game & Winning Eleven [i totally know nothing luh, so just hecked and played lol] so left there and reached Expo at 3.30pm. my section doing internal today! praise God man! it's the most nothing-to-do job haha! but the thing is that my area wasn't that bad, cause i was serving near the nurseries, so i get to see a lot of cute toddlers! :D :D they are so cute can! they just ran about like nobody's business and got one flapped her sweater at me haha! CUTE!! (:
and i stood throughout the service. and not only that, i was super tired, so i was leaning against the railings and dozing off! this is my first time sleeping while standing man! lol i was totally drained!! haha
didn't exactly stayed for fellowship, cause i was super tired, and i missed my bed! haha so i went home with Morgan & Addy (:
say hello to your bed, Celes!
3:56 PM ♥